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Providing evidence, methods, frameworks and debate to support improved gender and inclusion both within and through WASH.

Our work provides evidence and frameworks to support improved gender equality and inclusion within and through WASH programs and initiatives.

We promote consideration of power, culture and drivers of disadvantage and discrimination, leading to more equitable WASH services and associated gender equality and inclusion outcomes.

PROJECT | 2022-2023


Gender integration in sanitation policy and programming: A rapid review

This review brought together the latest evidence, thinking and practice on gender integration in sanitation for WaterAid and the wider sector. Drawing on cases from across Asia and Africa, and guided by a published conceptual framework on gender-integration in WASH, the review highlighted eight characteristics of good practice and identified key policy changes needed at the global, national and subnational level to strengthen gender integration in the sanitation sector. The review report provides insight into the varied entry points for practitioners working on sanitation through illustrations of gender sensitive, gender responsive and gender transformative practice.


Client: WaterAid

Researchers: Avni Kumar, Juliet Willetts, Jess MacArthur

PROJECT | 2021-2022


Transformative leadership for inclusive WASH in Bhutan

This multi-partner project led by SNV in Bhutan aimed to address sectoral needs, including, increasing investment in women’s leadership skills, establishing networks and collective action, and working with men to increase women’s voice and influence in the WASH sector.


UTS-ISF led the action research and impact assessment activities which included partnership reflection and learning, and assessing outcomes for project participants.


Client: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Researchers: Diana Gonzalez Botero, Naomi Carrard

PROJECT | 2021-2022

Front cover of the Urban WaterGuide

Urban water guide

Urban water managers globally are now rethinking how to tackle water management issues, especially in light of climate change impacts on water systems and communities. This Guide, led by the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities and the Institute for Sustainable Futures, outlines key principles and considerations for developing integrated and inclusive approaches to managing water, energy and nutrient resources for low-energy and nature-based solutions.


Client: Australian Water Partnership (AWP)

Researchers: Melita Grant

PROJECT | 2018-2022

Group of women conduction learning session

Partnerships for Transformation

Following three years of research in Indonesia and Timor-Leste, and a six-month collective learning process on WASH transformative partnerships, the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) and partners developed a guidance on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and rights holders partnerships. This guidance offers insights into effective partnerships between WASH sector organisations and rights holder organisations (RHOs). It provides practical recommendations for effective collaboration in all types of partnerships and is designed to support organisations looking to begin, build or strengthen partnerships to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.


Location: Timor-Leste, Indonesia

Client: Water for Women funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

Wider program: Water for Women Fund

Researchers: Melita Grant

Image of animated characters holding hands

PROJECT | 2021-2022

Amplifying the voices of professionals in lower- and middle-income countries

ISF has developed a guidance note to improve awareness of issues in recognition in authorship, and outlines principles and practices that elevate voices from lower- and middle-income countries in knowledge production.

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 Beach waves crashing against a rock wall

PROJECT | 2022-2025

Pacific health and sanitation solutions

This project aims to support improved access to safe, climate-resilient water and sanitation services in vulnerable and remote Pacific Island communities in Kiribati and Solomon Islands.

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PROJECT | 2021

Inclusive WASH Workplaces

When considering gender equality, disability and social inclusion in WASH, we need to look at both the people who are benefiting from and managing WASH systems, and the institutions that shape and deliver WASH services.

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PROJECT | 2021

Exploring GESI Change qualKit

ISF and Water for Women produced an online tool to build the WASH sector’s capacity to monitor and evaluate gender and inclusion within their work.

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Group of women

PROJECT | 2018-2021

Gender in WASH partnerships, workforce and impact assessment - Water for Women

Provides a strengthened evidence base on partnerships with gender and women’s rights organisations as well as gender equality in WASH workforce development.

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Cover of Review of WaterAid’s gender manual

PROJECT | 2018 – 2019

Review of WaterAid’s gender manual

ISF led a review of the implementation of WaterAid’s gender manual and facilitated sessions to support their ongoing programs under the Water for Women Fund and beyond. 


Location: Timor-Leste

Client: WaterAid

Wider program: Water for Women Fund

Researchers: Melita Grant,  Juliet Willetts,  Tamara Megaw

A woman spraying santiser in another womans hands

PROJECT | 2020-2021

Gender transformative leadership in WASH during the COVID-19 pandemic

ISF is the research and learning partner in SNV Netherlands Development Organisation’s 'Beyond the Finish Line' program (part of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Water for Women Fund).


Beyond the Finish Line seeks to achieve equitable and universal access to safely managed sanitation and hygiene in seven districts in Bhutan and Lao PDR, and to strengthen the sustainability and resilience of rural water supply services in two districts in Nepal.


As part of the Beyond the Finish Line program, this project aimed to explore how WASH sector leaders have responded in this challenging time of COVID-19 to both ensure the needs of marginalised and vulnerable groups were represented and heard, and found ways to transform personal perspectives, norms, and systemic patterns towards gender equality.


Location: Bhutan, Laos PDR, Nepal

Client: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Wider program: Water for Women Fund

Researchers: Naomi Carrard,  Diana Gonzalez Botero,  Juliet Willetts

PROJECT | 2018-2021

Women and men sitting around a mat with a planning board

Gender Transformative Social Accountability in WASH

Explores social accountability in the context of inclusive WASH, with a focus on improving water service levels in rural Bangladesh.

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PROJECT | 2017-2019

Empowerment through rural sanitation partnership with Vietnam Women's Union

In Vietnam, East Meets West Foundation partnered with the Viet Nam Women’s Union (VWU) to implement the Community Hygiene Output-Based Aid (CHOBA) program.


This research examined the individual and institutional empowerment outcomes experienced within the VWU through this rural sanitation partnership.


Location: Vietnam

Client: East Meets West Foundation (EMWF)

Researchers: Melita Grant,  Juliet Willetts,  Caitlin Leahy

Artwork silhouettes of women holding paperwork

PROJECT | 2017

Gender equality and inclusion in water resources management

Internationally, women are more likely to be involved with the gathering of water for their households. Women are also disproportionately affected by the impacts of water scarcity, climate change and natural disasters.


In spite of their unique experiences and valuable perspectives, women's voices are often missing from water management policies and absent from the decision-making process.


Responding to this, ISF developed an ‘Action Piece’ for the Global Water Partnership and broader water resources management sector, outlining the key elements needed to support gender equality and inclusion in water resources management and sectoral water uses (including WASH). The Action Piece demystifies how organisations can take initial and necessary steps towards increasing gender equality.


Location: Global

Client: Global Water Partnership

Researchers: Melita Grant,  Janina Murta

PROJECT | 2015-2016

Impact assessment of gender and WASH monitoring tool in Vietnam

When women and men are equally involved in WASH programs, the programs are not only more effective and sustainable, but they can also contribute to gender equality outcomes.


Monitoring tools can assist in both tracking progress as well as making space for women and men to explore gender roles.


ISF partnered with Plan International Australia and Vietnam to examine their impact of the Gender and WASH Monitoring Tool on achievement of strategic gender outcomes in central Vietnam.


Location: Vietnam

Client: Plan International Australia

Partner: Plan International

Researchers: Keren Winterford,  Juliet Willetts,  Caitlin Leahy



From practical to strategic changes: Strengthening gender in WASH - Research report (2016) (Report) 

Innovation in WASH and Gender Monitoring: Towards strategic gender outcomes and equitable services (2016) (Conference Poster)

SDG 5 and 6 icons

PROJECT | 2016

Gender and SDG 6: the critical connection, a framing paper for the High-Level Panel on Water

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present a timely opportunity for all actors, at all levels, to address gender equality.


Inequality, discrimination and social exclusion can be found within water governance and WASH policies, strategies and access to services. Social exclusion which affects women, minorities, disabled persons, older people, sexual minorities and economically disadvantaged people can have adverse effects on an individual's access to appropriate water and sanitation infrastructure.


SDG 6, which calls to "ensure clean access to water and sanitation for all", requires explicit attention to gender equality and social inclusion.


As explored in this framing paper, the High-Level Panel on Water Action Plan can significantly contribute to this agenda. The accompanying background discussion paper synthesises current evidence on gender in relation to SDG 6.


Location: Global

Client: Australian Water Partnership (AWP)

Partner: WaterAid

Researchers: Melita Grant,  Juliet Willetts

PROJECT | 2015-2016

Learning for impact in WASH programming: how civil society organisations learn

Despite the large quantity of information available on good practice in WASH sector, there is a gap in knowing what communications formats work best.


ISF undertook this research for the CS WASH Fund, exploring how civil society organisations learn and improve their WASH programming and practice to align with evidence-based approaches. 


The research identified the most preferred and effective communication materials, formats and mechanisms.


Location: Australia, Asia, Pacific, Africa

Clients: Palladium, AusAID // DFAT

Wider program: Civil Society Organisation WASH Fund

Researchers: Melita Grant,  Janina Murta,  Juliet Willetts

PROJECT | 2015

Equity in water safety planning

Working in collaboration with The World Health Organization (WHO), ISF researchers assessed and strengthened practice, outcomes and monitoring of WHO's Water Safety Plan in relation to gender and equity.


This research included four case studies at two urban and two rural WSP sites in the Philippines, Bangladesh and Nepal. A research report synthesises findings from the four sites, and introduces opportunities for better integration of equity into water safety planning. The guide supports comprehensive integration of equity considerations into water safety plans and was launched by WHO, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and ISF on World Water Day in 2019.


Location: Philippines, Bangladesh, Nepal

Client: World Health Organization

Researchers: Keren Winterford,  Katie Ross,  Juliet Willetts

PROJECT | 2011-2012

Inclusive WASH community of practice

In partnership with the International Women’s Development Agency, ISF led the gender and WASH stream of this Australian WASH reference group initiative, which offered webinars and interactive discussion on inclusion in WASH practice.


Location: Australia, Asia, Pacific

Client: WaterAid

Partner: WaterAid

Wider program: Innovations Fund, AusAid Research for Development Alliance

Researchers: Naomi Carrard,  Juliet Willetts



Inclusive WASH (Website) 

Gender: Women and Girls (2011) (Webinar)

PROJECT | 2010-2011

Promoting learning in civil society WASH programming

ISF worked with WaterAid to design, deliver and document three learning events for the Civil Society WASH Fund (2010–2011) that brought together more than 100 practitioners from 21 countries to share experiences and build expertise on sustainable WASH. The following set of documents provides a snapshot of learning event discussions.


The documents are organised around themes that emerged during the learning events, and selected participant stories provide a taste of the many experiences shared through poster presentations and discussions.


Location: Australia, Asia, Pacific

Client: AusAID // DFAT

Partner: WaterAid

Wider program: Civil Society Organisation WASH Fund

Researcher: Juliet Willetts

Participatory Community Meeting - Fiji

PROJECT | 2009-2012

Working effectively with women and men in WASH

In partnership with the International Women’s Development Agency, Live & Learn Environmental Education Fiji and World Vision Vanuatu, ISF produced a set of guidance materials on how to incorporate gender into WASH initiatives, and to assist practitioners to understand what positive gender outcomes 'look like'. Access these materials at


Location: Fiji, Vanuatu

Clients: AusAID // DFAT, Australian Development Research Award

Partners: International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA), Live & Learn Environmental Education

Wider program: Australian Development Research Award

Researchers: Juliet Willetts,  Naomi Carrard

PROJECT | 2008-2011

NGO partnerships in the WASH sector

Together with the International Water Centre, ISF investigated NGO partnerships, capacity development and state/local government engagement in the WASH sector to inform planning and investment through Australian aid Water and Sanitation Initiative 2008–2011.


Location: Indonesia, Vietnam

Client: AusAID // DFAT

Partner: International Water Centre

Wider program: Water and Sanitation Initiative

Researchers: Juliet Willetts,  Naomi Carrard

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Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia

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