ProPEL2019 is hosted by the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. Our aim is to foster as much conversation between delegates as possible. Thus, we welcome a diverse range (e.g. conceptual, empirical, and methodological) of presentations that provoke, propose and problematise professional learning and professions.

Information for presenters
Conference presentations will consist of:
- Individual papers
- Symposia – for three or more presenters who all focus on the same theme
- Posters – some poster presenters will also present their research in 3 minute thesis (3MT) presentation
Paper Presentation Guidelines
Each paper presentation session will be 30 minutes, with a maximum of 20 minutes presentation, and 10 minutes for discussion. Please ensure that your slides are loaded onto the computer in the allocated room prior to your session (preferably at the beginning of the day or during the breaks).
Poster Guidelines
Space will be available from the beginning of the Conference to attach your poster. Your poster should be A1 size. There will be a dedicated time-slot on the first day (currently 2.30-3.00 pm) for all Conference participants to view the posters and engage with the poster presenters. Therefore your will need to stand with your poster during this time. However, you may also choose to be available during lunch breaks throughout the Conference. If multiple authors are mentioned, an asterisk next to the authors who will be presenting should be marked.
Symposium guidelines
Symposia have each been allocated a 90-minute session. We expect that the lead author of each symposium will organise and chair it. In general, symposium would have shorter presentations than the paper sessions and more time for discussion. It is up to the lead author to negotiate this with other symposium presenters. The lead author should submit a revised abstract with the names of all authors and an asterisk next to the authors who will be presenting.
3MT Presentation Guidelines
3MT presentations will be timetabled in a dedicated session (currently on Monday, 1.30-2.30pm). Each presenter is allocated just 3 minutes and one slide to present their research. Check this link for guidelines. Remember, at the Conference, it won’t be a competition! All 3MT presenters will need to submit their (1) slide at the by 4th December to to allow the smooth running of the 3MT session.
If you have any further questions, please contact ProPEL team on
Special Issue of Studies in Continuing Education in conjunction with the conference
Studies in Continuing Education has agreed to produce a special issue in conjunction with the conference, as it did for the previous ProPEL conference. Papers should align with the conference theme and conform to the requirements of the journal. Normal refereeing processes will apply. Papers can only be considered if they are entered in the usual way through the ScholarOne Manuscripts process.
In order to provide an opportunity for authors to revise papers in the light of discussion at the conference, the deadline for submission is 1 March 2020. It is essential that on the submission of your final paper you clearly indicate that you want to be considered for the Special Issue associated with ProPEL19.