Thanks to everyone who attended the 4th International ProPEL (Professional Practice, Education and Learning) Conference 2019! The conference was held at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia from 9–11 December 2019.

Welcome to the ProPEL 2019 conference
Full conference program available here
About ProPEL 2019

ProPEL is a collaborative, multi-professional international network, launched in 2010 at the University of Stirling, to promote research and knowledge exchange in issues of professional education, practice and learning. Conferences draw scholars from a range of countries, disciplines and theoretical orientations. More information and updates are available on the blog ProPEL Matters.
We were pleased to welcome the ProPEL 2019 keynote speakers – Professor Silvia Gherardi, Professor Stephen Kemmis and Professor Margaret Somerville – all distinguished researchers in the fields of professional learning, education and practice.
The main theme of the conference was Provocations and Possibilities. We were particularly keen to shine a light on the unspoken, unseen, unasked and intangible during this conference. We invited participants to uncover and examine these from multiple perspectives and to contemplate future directions, opportunities and potential.
Find out more about the highlights of the conference by using #propel2019UTS or follow @ProPEL2019 on Twitter!
We look forward to seeing you at the next ProPEL conference!