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How to apply

Application process for ISF's graduate research program

International applicants

Key dates - for commencement in 2026, Research Session 1 and 2 (enrolment between January and November)

Domestic applicants

Key dates - for commencement from July 2025, Research Session 2 (enrolment between July and November)

Key dates - for commencement from January 2026, Research Session 1 (enrolment between January and May)

Please note that the ISF postgraduate application process is separate from the UTS postgraduate process. Typically, the ISF postgraduate application is required to be completed a minimum of three weeks prior to the UTS application due date. Applications for postgraduate research places at the Institute for Sustainable Futures are subject to the same criteria as applications to any UTS Faculty or Institute. 

Additionally, please note that different deadlines exist for UTS postgraduate applications for domestic and international students, and that different ISF deadlines exist accordingly.

Application process

Prospective applicants should follow the process outlined below. Applications that do not follow this process will not be accepted.

  1. Make contact: Contact ISF to express interest in a research degree. The best way to do this is to send an email to the ISF Graduate Research Program address: Our staff will then provide further instructions on next steps. Alternatively, if you have a potential supervisor in mind (see the list of supervisors), you can contact them directly. 
  2. Complete an EOI and confirm a supervisor: Once you have made contact, we will ask you to complete a short Expression of Interest (EOI) form with more details about your research interests and proposed topic. At this stage, you can also advise us if you are seeking a scholarship. If you have not already identified a suitable supervisor, we will use the EOI to try and find a supervisor that is interested and available. Applications are not able to proceed until at least one ISF supervisor is willing to support the application.
  3. Apply for pre-approval: Once you have confirmed an interested supervisor, you will work with them to prepare your pre-approval application. You will need to prepare and submit four documents, including your CV, academic transcripts for your previous degree(s), response to assessment criteria, and research proposal. Please follow guidance for applicants in Applying for a research degree at ISF when preparing your documents. Applications should be emailed to and to your proposed supervisor before the closing dates.
  4. Wait for confirmation: Pre-approval applications are assessed and ranked by the ISF LDLC. This usually takes place about two weeks after the application deadline. We will inform you of the outcome of the pre-approval process shortly after the LDLC meeting. Please note that pre-approval is not a guarantee that you will be awarded a scholarship. We generally do not have sufficient scholarships available for all applicants that are seeking them. 
  5. Apply to UTS: Pre-approved applicants can then proceed to submit an enrolment application to UTS. Processing of applications by UTS can take several months and includes decisions on award of scholarships. You will be contacted directly by the UTS Graduate Research School with the outcome of your application.

Other information

Research degrees at UTS 


How to apply to UTS (after you receive pre-approval from ISF)