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Graduates from ISF’s graduate research program have consistently achieved excellent examiners' reports from international leaders in their fields. Most have been eligible for the UTS Chancellor's Award, and several have been placed on the Chancellor's List.

Change-makers of tomorrow

Moving beyond corporate social responsibility

Isabel Sebastian

After working in Bhutan where their development philosophy focuses on Gross National Happiness (GNH), Dr Isabel Sebastian wanted to look deeper into the dynamics of operating sustainable business.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies, activities and reporting are often considered an indication of businesses’ good intentions and corporate citizenship. But good CSR performance is not synonymous with good business ethics and responsibility.


Inspired by Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness philosophy and her interest in how this influences business ethics, conduct and sustainability, Isabel’s 2018 PhD thesis explores how Bhutanese and international businesses move beyond “conventional CSR”.


Isabel’s research developed the “Beyond CSR Maturity Model” which allows mapping of businesses against five dimensions of maturity to understand their level of CSR maturity and identify ways to move beyond “conventional CSR”.


‘I wanted to look at business through a holistic lens – to consider both Eastern and Western philosophies, business ethnics and systems theories. With ISF I had the support to take this transdisciplinary approach. The diverse and international group of team members and PhD Students at ISF made it a very rich and inspiring experience’, she says.


Isabel is now a Research Associate at the University of Luxembourg, working on Nexus Futures, a transdisciplinary project that explores the sustainable water, soil and energy nexus in Luxemburg.


Read Isabel's full thesis on OPUS Looking beyond corporate social responsibility through a holistic systems lens: an Eastern and Western focus

ISF graduates

Samuel Wearne (2024) Dynamics of Place & Discourse: Empirical, methodological, and theoretical research into socio-cultural transformations toward sustainability

Deyvid Baretto Rosa (2024) Assessing the Benefits of Green and Blue Infrastructure in Peri-Urban Areas

Juan Garzon (2024) Transmodern transitions to buen vivir in early 21st century Andean seed systems

Rupert Legg (2024) A geography of the disruptive effects of contaminated sites on residents’ mental health: The regulation of PFAS sites in NSW, Australia

Zaheer Allam (2024) A New Frontier for Green New Deals: Incorporating Ecosystem Approaches and the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Developing Economies

Ed Langham (2023) Harnessing Open Business Model Dynamics for Societal Value Creation: A Systems Analysis

Ella Middelhoff (2023) Hybrid concentrated solar biomass (HCSB) plants for supporting the clean energy transition in New South Wales, Australia

Ethan Gordon (2023) Discursive Mindscapes in Regenerative Agriculture: Exploring Different Interpretations of Regenerative Agriculture and Implications for Transformation

Jun Cao (2023) The collaborative governance of the urban sharing economy: A comparative analysis of dockless bike-sharing schemes in Nanjing and Sydney

Nivek Thompson (2023) Deliberative Mini-publics: Institutional Design and the Quality of Democracy

Bao Anh Nong (2023) Participatory Adaptive Integrated Urban Water Management – the Tensions

Ben Madden (2023) Examining resource recovery pathways for low carbon waste management in New South Wales, Australia

Jess MacArthur (2023) Exploring gender equality outcomes in international development programs: Transformative approaches and opportunities

Louise Boronyak (2023) Transformation from Conflict to Coexistence with Large Carnivores in Social-Ecological Landscapes

Mariana Gonzalez Lago (2023) (Re) Politicising soils: eliciting mental models at the science-policy interface for renewing soil governance

Paloma Vejarano (2023) Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Governance of the Colombian Amazon in a Post-Peace Accord Scenario A Social Ecological Study with Cacua People

Stuart Martin (2023) Integrating Natural Capital Accounting into Agricultural Decision-Making

Michael Falla (2022) Sporting mega-events and their influence on the social and physical capital of communities in the host city: The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games experience

Naomi Carrard (2022) Placing Sustainability at the Centre of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sector: A Transdisciplinary Inquiry

Bhathiya Kekulandala (2022) Adaptive co-management of small tank cascade systems in Sri Lanka in a changing climate

Bishal Baniya (2022) Global environment-related initiatives and green growth – investigating the integration of their goals into government policies and prospects for delivery

Erika Whillas (2022) Increasing community engagement in NYC’s green-space planning with PPGIS and deliberative democracy

Momtaj Bintay Khalil (2022) Women’s role in adaptation to climate change in Bangladesh

Suzanne Dunford (2022) The governance of local climate commons

Ian Cunningham (2021) Designing for motivations in community‐managed rural water supply

Tani Khara (2021) Exploring meat-eating practices in Mumbai and Sydney with a view towards encouraging a reduced-meat diet

Katie Ross (2021) Transforming the Ways We Create Change: Experiencing and Cultivating Transformative Sustainability Learning

Bronwyn Cumbo (2020) Child Participation Beyond the Adult Realm: Participatory Design in Nature-play Contexts

Tani Shaw (2020) Pressing the Case for Wider Economic, Social and Environmental Measures of Progress: A Case Study of the OECD Global Project

Reba Paul (2020) Energy Sensitive Urban Water Planning in Developing Countries: Unlocking the Potential of Distributed Recycled Water Systems to Reduce the Overall Energy Intensity for Urban Water Services

Lily Huang (2020) Analysis of the Embodied Carbon Emissions Flows in China: Applying a Network Perspective to Sectors, Provinces, and Carbon Communities Within the Chinese Economy

Mathew Hounsell (2020) Using Big Data from TOTOR ETS to optimise public transport operations

Kathryne (Kate) Hughes (2020) The Socially Literate Expert: A New Model of Risk Communication and Social Engagement Bridging Content and Bridging Process

Simon Wright (2020) A State of Innovation – The Role of Government in the Design and Orchestration of Sustainability Transitions

Jacob (Jack) Thomson (2020) The First and Last Mile: Rural communities’ management of evolving disaster risk and the implications for preparedness in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Judith (Judy) Friedlander (2020) A Meaty Discourse: Raising the agenda of an inconvenient message

Chris Dunstan (2019) In the Balance: Electricity, Sustainability and Least Cost Competition

Rachael Wakefield-Rann (2019) Redefining hygiene in practice: addressing emerging health risks in home microecologies

Emilia de la Sienra (2018) Exploring the hidden power of worldviews : a new learning framework to advance the transformative agenda of education for sustainable development

Matt Daly (2018) The Most Powerful Form of Activism is Just the Way You Live”: Grassroots Intentional Communities and the Sustainability of Everyday Practice

Tanja Rosenqvist (2018) Experiencing Everyday Sanitation Governance: A Critical Inquiry into the Governance of Community-Managed Sanitation Services in Indonesia and Whether It Could be Otherwise

Jeremy Kohlitz (2018) Responding to climate change to sustain community-managed water services in Vanuatu

Stephen McGrail (2018) The roles and use of prospective knowledge practices in sustainability-related transitions

Kevin Morrison (2018) The tale of two taxes: a study of mineral and petroleum resource taxation in Australia

Laure-Elise Ruoso (2018) Understanding place identity and productive landscapes peri-urban environments

Isabel Sebastian (2018) Looking beyond Corporate Social Responsibility through a holistic systems lens

Sarina Kilham (2017) Farmers, autonomy and sustainable rural livelihoods: biodiese production in Brazil and Timor-Leste

Rachel Watson (2017) The role of local recycled water systems for sustainable urban water servicing

Verena Streitferdt (2017) Optimising energy efficiency finance in emerging economies in Southeast Asia 

Ariane Liu (2016) Smart water-use feedback: options, preferences, impacts, and implications for implementation

Reza Memary (2016) Life cycle assessment for metals: from technical investigations to system innovations

Eleanor Glenn (2015) From clashing to matching: examining the legitimation codes that underpin shifting views about climate change 

John McKibbin (2015) Ascendance, resistance, resilience: concepts and analyses for designing affordable and robust energy and water systems

Tania Leimbach (2015) Sustainability and the Material Imagination in Australian Cultural Organisations

Juergen Peterseim (2015) Enabling concentrating solar power in Australia: An investigation of the benefits and potential role of concentrating solar power/non-conventional fuel hybrid plants in Australia’s transition to a low-carbon energy future

Erica Olesson (2015) Organisational transitions to sustainability : a multi-level perspective analysis of a single case study to explore the impact of sustainability activities on organisational advancement to sustainability

Dena Fam (2014) People and practices: Fostering transitions toward sustainability through transdisciplinary inquiry in the process of individual, social and organisational learning

Johannes Behrisch (2013) Incorporating ecological consideration into industrial design practice

Keren Winterford (2013) A strengths perspective on social accountability: informing citizen and state action for improved services and development

Andrew Glover (2012) Should it stay or should it go? Negotiating value and waste in the divestment of household objects

Jenny Kent (2012) Climate change – whose responsibility? From the personal to the global

Chris Nelson (2012) Applying phenomenography to development aid: should we recognise and embrace complexity in aid practice?

Christiane Baumann (2012) Making better choices — an investigation of collaborative stakeholder dialogue as catalyst for consensus building and learning in the transport policy process

Jane Palmer (2011) 'An eye open in the dark': Life story ethnography and the future of social-ecological systems

Tanzi Smith (2011) Ecological frameworks for sustainable communities: testing the theory in a developing country context

Dana Cordell (2010) The Story of Phosphorus: Sustainability implications of global phosphorus scarcity for food security

Chris Reardon (2010) The diffusion of sustainable practices within the Australian housing industry: implications for future change management

Suzanne Grob (2010) Sustainable organisational procurement: pathway of transition for Australian organisations

Kumi Abeysuriya (2008) A pathway to sustainability in urban sanitation for developing Asian countries

Michelle Zeibots (2008) Space, time, economics and asphalt: an investigation of induced traffic growth caused by urban motorway expansion and the implications this has for the sustainability of cities

Dick Clarke (2006) Planning Controls and Sustainability – Planfirst's potential seen through a case study of Pittwater 21

Chris Riedy (2005) The Eye of the Storm: An Integral Perspective on Sustainable Development and Greenhouse Policy

Simon Fane (2005) Planning for sustainable urban water: systems-approaches and distributed strategies

Paul Crawford (2004) Aiding aid: a monitoring and evaluation framework to enhance international aid effectiveness

Wahidul K. Biswas (2003) Empowering Rural Poor through Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh

Annie Bolitho (2003, co-supervised by ISF) New Dimensions in Water Conservation; An Inter-animation of writing and water

Gabrielle Kuiper (2002) Environmental Information, Decision-Making & Communicating

Karla Sperling (2002) Overcoming legal impediments to urban planning for sustainability in the Sydney greater metropolitan region

Chris Riedy, Andrew Glover, Dena Fam and Cynthia Mitchell

Chris Riedy, Andrew Glover, Dena Fam and Cynthia Mitchell