GLAMSLAM 2019 is hosted by the Australian Centre for Public History in partnership with the State Library, NSW.
Venue: State Library NSW Getting there
8.30am Registration, Metcalfe Auditorium
9am Welcome to Country, Metcalfe Auditorium
9.05am Introductory Remarks, Tamson Pietsch (UTS), Metcalfe Auditorium
9.15am Keynote: GLAM Power as Clean Energy? Bring it on! David Ritter (Greenpeace), Metcalfe Auditorium
- What do cultural institutions have to do with climate change? The conditions for life on earth are under unprecedented threat: our home is flooding and on fire; our animals are dying and our children are losing hope. How can the GLAM sector respond to the pressing question of our times?
10.15am Morning Tea, Dixson Room
10.40am Lightning Talks Round 1, Metcalfe Auditorium
Nathan Sentence, ‘How do we use anniversaries of events, dates and people in ways to get the public to critically reflect?’
Nina Earl, ‘Indigenous exhibition development as a non-Indigenous curator’
Indigo Holcombe-James, ‘Cultural platforms and barriers to digital participation’
Sam Leah, ‘Managing major change in regional institutions - Wagga's story so far’
New Perspectives
Clare O'Hanlon, ‘Out of the library, into the archives, and back again: Queerying the GLAM sector’
Lucinda Davison, ‘Beyond the cap and gown: Access to continued learning and professional development’
Kate Bunker, ‘Fast as lightning? Using the ALIA PD scheme to stay current’
Kerrie Shaw, ‘Using augmented reality to promote collections’
The Culture Lab
Jacqui Newling, ‘Hijacking Hack: Experimenting with new presentation methods at Sydney Living Museums’
Elise Edmonds, ‘Experimental/experiential exhibition called "Dead Central": an audio storytelling experience at SLNSW’
Ann Hardy, ‘Survey results from participants who were users of the GLAMx Digitisation Lab at the University of Newcastle’
Kylie Budge & Paula Bray, ‘Selfies Requested: #newselfwales, a SLNSW and Instagram project’
11.40am Keynote: Radically Reframing the Problem of Value in Arts and Culture, Julian Meyrick (Flinders), Metcalfe Auditorium
- Julian will be arguing that we need to reframe the evaluation of arts and culture and lift it out of the rut of methodological fetishism where the social sciences, especially economics, currently have it.
12.40pm Lunch (The Student March for Climate Action will go past the library at lunch, we are planning to cheer them on!), Dixson Room
1.15pm Lightning Talks Round 2, Metcalfe Auditorium
Rachel Franks & Tully Barnett, ‘Making things happen across domains: Research relationships between the tertiary and collecting sectors’
Kristy Kokegei, ‘South Australia's GLAM lab: Collaboration and innovation’
Angie Williams, ‘A case study in applying constructivist learning strategies: The Supreme Court Library Queensland education program’
Stores of Stuff
Mariko Smith, ‘Indigenous curation and exhibition development’
Alana Piper, ‘Captivating crimes: Public interest in crime histories’
Mike Jones, ‘Buckets, silos, and trailers: Moving beyond aggregate GLAM collections’
Erin Ramsay, ‘5 years in 5 minutes: Our collection storage overhaul’
Maureen Henninger, ‘Digital assets management and its challenges’
Tully Barnett, ‘Cultural platforms and barriers to digital participation’
Charlotte Moar, ‘What is ATSIDA: Connecting Indigenous communities with research data’
Fang Chen, ‘Water, Data and Time’
2.15pm Showcase Booths, Dixson Room
3pm Afternoon Tea, Dixson Room
3.30pm GLAMJAMs, Gallery Room
4.50pm Closing Remarks, Tamson Pietsch (UTS), Gallery Room
5pm Drinks and canapés, Dixson Room
5.30pm Close of GLAMSLAM
At 5.30pm our day at the Library will end but we warmly invite you to join us at Hyde Park House afterwards from 5.45pm for informal drinks.