Parents and caregivers play a key role in navigating the numerous considerations when students embark on the journey into tertiary education.

Read these useful tips and resources to understand the degrees on offer in the Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FASS), how to navigate ATARs and the university application process, and the career outcomes of each degree.
The parents' guide to university
Here are some tips on how to guide and support students in their transition from high school to university.
The parents' guide to ATAR results
Simple strategies you can implement to make going to university easier for everyone in the family.
Parent/Student Information Evenings
Explore the career options available at our series of online parent/student information sessions.
The in-demand communication roles of today
Meet three of our graduates that are working in roles that didn’t even exist 10 years ago.
FASS undergraduate course FAQ
Find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions about admission, careers, assessments, internships and more.
Scholarships and prizes
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences offers a range of scholarships and prizes to acknowledge our students’ outstanding