Please note: links listed below open external sites. UTS is not responsible for any content or information therein.
If you are concerned about your alcohol consumption or drug use, you can try completing an online self-assessment (opens an external site).
Information on alcohol use and associated effects
- Alcohol and mental health (opens an external site)
- Alcohol fact sheet (opens an external site)
- Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol (opens an external site)
- What happens when we drink alcohol?
Information on drug use and associated effects
- National drugs campaign (opens an external site)
- Drug info (opens an external site)
- Cannabis factsheets (opens an external site)
Support services
If you’re looking for support, you can:
- make an appointment with one of our counsellors
- call the Alcohol and Drug Information Service (opens an external site) on: 9361 8000
- Call the Stimulant Treatment Line (STL) on (02) 9361 8088, or visit their website
Support groups
- SMART Recovery (opens an external site) – A voluntary self-help group that assists people in recovering from alcohol, drug use and other addictive behaviours
- Alcoholics Anonymous (opens an external site) - An informal society of more than 2 million recovering alcoholics throughout the world
- Narcotics Anonymous (opens an external site) – A non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem
- Hello Sunday Morning (opens an external site) - Changing your relationship with alcohol - one Sunday at a time
Treatment programs
- St John of God Healthcare (opens an external site) - Successfully helping people with alcohol dependence for more than 30 years
- OnTrack Alcohol (opens an external site) - Aims to help people cut back on their drinking
- Counselling Online (opens an external site) – 24/7 access to professional, qualified counsellor for live online drug and alcohol counselling
- Clear Your Vision (opens an external site) – A do-it-yourself guide to quitting cannabis
Support for family and friends
- Family Drug Support (opens an external site) - Supporting families affected by alcohol and other drugs
- Al-ANON Family Groups (opens an external site) – Aims to help families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with someone whose drinking is a problem