The flexible nature of our postgraduate courses allows you to work while you study and tailor your workload to suit your professional and personal circumstances.
On-campus classes may be timetabled between 9am and 9pm. Evening classes can start as early as 5pm, and not all subjects are available in the evenings. If you enrol as a part-time student, you may need to attend a day class, and if you enrol full-time you may need to attend some evening classes. UTS requires regular attendance at classes.
To see the type of commitment that may be involved, check current timetable details using the UTS Class Timetable Builder.
When you enrol as a UTS student, you will be able to build a definitive timetable.
Attendance types
For each subject, depending on its teaching period and location, one of the following attendance modes will apply:
- Standard attendance (weekly) mode: Attendance at weekly, on-campus classes over a 11 teaching week session
- Block mode: An intensive period of study in classes scheduled over one or more weeks of the teaching period
- Distance (off-campus) mode: Students are provided with materials that they work through in their own time, supported by online and print materials and possibly one or two face-to-face sessions
- Mixed mode: Attendance combines the flexibility of on-campus, distance and block study
The course duration will vary depending on subject scheduling and availability, and whether you study as a full-time or part-time student.
To support part-time attendance, some courses are offered in the evening and in intensive two or three day blocks. Information on modes of study is provided in the course details for each course.
- Full-time: The normal full-time study load is 24 credit points per Autumn and Spring session. Students are not normally permitted to take more than 30 credit points per session.
International students in Australia on a student visa are required to undertake full-time study as a condition of their visa.
Part-time: Part-time students have a reduced session load of 12 credit points or less. There is no lower limit, as long as a student completes their course inside the maximum time and leave of absence rules.
Credit points
The number of credit points indicates the workload for individual subjects, ranging from 3cp to 24cp per subject. The usual credit point requirements for UTS postgraduate coursework are:
- graduate certificate: 24, 30 or 36 credit points
- graduate diploma: 36 or 48 credit points
- master's (by coursework): 48, 72 or 96 credit points
When you look in the course details section of our course finder, the number of credit points required is displayed under 'course completion requirements'.