Depending on your circumstances, if you wish to change from one course at UTS to another course at UTS, you may be eligible to apply for an internal course transfer (ICT).
Transfer between TD School programs
At TD School, there is a pathway between the Diploma in Innovation program and the Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII) combined programs.
Diploma in Innovation to Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Transfer criteria
Internal course transfer (continuing) application can be made if you meet the following criteria:
- are enrolled in one of 27 eligible core degrees for BCII
- have completed 81539 and either 81540 OR 81538 in the Diploma’s Creative Intelligence stream
- scored a weighted average mark of 75 or higher across those two Diploma subjects
- scored a weighted average mark of 65 or higher across all subjects completed in their home discipline.
How to apply
After the results have been released for the above subjects, students will receive an email from inviting them to submit an expression of interest (EOI) to transfer to a combined degree with BCII.
Their eligibility will be checked by TD School’s Academic Programs Office (APO) and they will be advised of the outcome including further steps to complete the ICT Process.
ICT transfers will be done prior to the July session.
Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation to Diploma in Innovation
Students in combined BCII courses will be eligible to exit with the Diploma in Innovation C20060 via the internal course transfer (graduating) when the following criteria are met:
- Successful completion of all subjects in their core degree (the available core degrees are C09076, C09098, C10321, C10322, C10323, C10324, C10325, C10326, C10327, C10328, C10329, C10330, C10338, C10351, C10352, C10355, C10359, C10373, C10374, C10375, C10376, C10377, C10389, C10454, C10461, C10465, C10466)
- Successful completion of the following six subjects (48cp) in the Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation stream (STM90839)
Students who have completed six subjects (48cp) where the combination is different from the above in the Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation and wanted to exit with the Diploma in Innovation, will have their eligibility assessed on a case-by-case basis.
How to apply
Once you have satisfied the above, students are required to submit an ICT – graduating application.
There is no closing date for these applications.
Applications are assessed for the first available conferral date.
Applications should be lodged in the session before the session you intend to graduate.
You should lodge your completed application at a Student Centre or attach it to an online enquiry.