Progression sanctions: coursework students
On this page:
PRR - Re-enrolment required | EAC - Academic Caution | E2F - 2 Subjects Failed | E3F - 3 Subjects Failed | X2F - Exclusion - Reenrolment refused | X3F - Exclusion -Reenrolment refused (E3F) | EAP - Exclusion - Academic progress | EET - Exclusion Exceeded Time | USP - Invalid or have not provided a USI | UNP - Unverified USI (Stop graduation) | Further Information
The following are descriptions of student sanction codes, which may appear in My Student Admin and a description of their impact.
PRR - Re-enrolment required
If you have failed to enrol in any half year and are not on an approved leave of absence you are liable for this sanction. You will be withdrawn from your course if you fail to enrol into subject(s) or apply for leave of absence before the census date of the subsequent session.
EAC - Academic Caution
If you failed more than 50% of your enrolled credit points in any half year of study, then you will be placed on academic caution.
For more details see the Academic caution page.
E2F - 2 Subjects Failed
Students who fails a subject for a second time may be liable for this sanction. It prevents further enrolment in a subject, and may result in exclusion which is determined by your faculty.
Not all subjects are liable for this sanction. If you do receive this sanction, you will need to follow the advice outlined in your notification email.
E3F - 3 Subjects Failed
Students who fail a subject three or more time are liable for this sanction. You are not permitted to enrol in this subject again without gaining permission, from your faculty. This is subject to approval and may result in exclusion.
To apply for permission to re-enrol in a subject after three or more failures please complete the Request for permission to re-enrol in a subject after three (or more) failures (PDF 371kB) form and submit via the appropriate contact below. In the body of the email, please provide your name, UTS student number and course.
Important: Please ensure that your E3F form is submitted to the faculty that teach your subject, if this is different to your admitted faculty.
If you do receive this sanction, all of the above advice and more is outlined in your notification email.
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
school | E3f form submission |
Animation Production | |
Communication Core | |
Music and Sound Design | |
Media Arts and Production | |
Media Business | |
Journalism | |
Strategic Communication | |
Social and Political Science | |
Creative Writing | |
Digital and Social Media | |
International Studies and Education | |
UTS Business School
Please use the UTS Business online portal to submit your request for permission to re-enrol in a business subject after three (or more) failures.
Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building
school | e3f form submission |
Architecture | |
Built Environment | |
Design | |
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
school | e3f form submission |
Biomedical Engineering | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering | |
Computer Science | |
Electrical and Data Engineering | |
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering | |
Professional Practice and Leadership | |
Faculty of Health
courses | e3f form submission |
Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of International Studies Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | |
Bachelor of Midwifery Bachelor of Midwifery Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | |
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies | |
Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of International Studies Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Sustainability and Environment Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Economics Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | |
Honours Courses Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) Bachelor of Public Health (Honours) Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Honours) Combined courses Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | |
Master of Advanced Nursing Graduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing Graduate Certificate in Critical Care Nursing Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Nursing Graduate Certificate in Nursing Education | |
Master of Palliative Care Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care | |
Master of Health Services Management and Planning Master of Health Services Management Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management | |
Master of Public Health Master of Public Health(Advanced) Graduate Diploma in Public Health Graduate in Public Health | |
Graduate Diploma in Midwifery | |
Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and Management | |
Master of Women’s and Children’s Health Graduate Diploma in Women’s and Children’s Health Graduate Certificate in Women’s and Children’s Health Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health | |
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology | |
Master of High Performance Sport Graduate Certificate of High Performance Sport Graduate Diploma of High Performance Sport | |
Graduate School of Health
Undergraduate Psychology courses
Please submit your E3F form via email to In the body of the email, please provide your name, UTS student number and course.
Postgraduate GSH courses
Please submit your E3F form via email to In the body of the email, please provide your name, UTS student number and course.
Faculty of Law
There are two steps you will need to take:
- Lodge your Request for permission to re-enrol in a subject after three (or more) failures form
- Register for an Academic Advisory Session where you will speak confidentially to an academic adviser for one on one, personal advice and to have your study support strategies approved.
Faculty of Science
Please submit your E3F form via email to In the body of the email, please provide your name, UTS student number and course.
TD School
Please submit your E3F form via email to . In the body of the email, please provide your name, UTS student number and course.
X2F - Exclusion - Reenrolment refused (E2F)
Students who receive an E2F sanction may also be liable for an X2F exclusion sanction.
If you are excluded, you are no longer a student of the University and cannot continue attending classes, enrol or change your programme. Access to computer accounts, Library and all University services is cancelled.
Exclusion is for one academic year. You may reapply for entry to the University at the end of the period of exclusion. Students who wish to apply for re-admission to a course must follow normal admission procedures, Re-admission to a course after exclusion is not automatic.
For more information, see the Exclusion page.
X3F - Exclusion -Reenrolment refused (E3F)
Students who are refused permission to re-enrol in a subject with an active E3F sanction may be liable for an X3F exclusion sanction.
If you are excluded, you are no longer a student of the University and cannot continue attending classes, enrol or change your programme. Access to computer accounts, Library and all University services is cancelled.
Exclusion is for one academic year. You may reapply for entry to the University at the end of the period of exclusion. Students who wish to apply for re-admission to a course must follow normal admission procedures, Re-admission to a course after exclusion is not automatic.
For more information, see the Exclusion page.
EAP - Exclusion - Academic progress
Undergraduate students must gain no less than 50% of the credit points for the subjects in which they have enrolled in since the commencement of their course at the University.
Postgraduate coursework students who fail to meet the minimum rate of progress (MRP) as specified by their Faculty Board. Please refer to the UTS Handbook.
If you are excluded, you are no longer a student of the University and cannot continue attending classes, enrol or change your programme. Access to computer accounts, Library and all University services is cancelled.
Exclusion is for one academic year. You may reapply for entry to the University at the end of the period of exclusion. Students who wish to apply for re-admission to a course must follow normal admission procedures. Re-admission to a course after exclusion is not automatic.
For more information see the Exclusion page.
EET - Exclusion Exceeded Time (or EMT prior to 2017)
Undergraduate and Postgraduate coursework students who have not completed their course within the maximum time allowed are liable for this sanction. Exclusion from the sanctioned course is permanent. Students cannot continue attending classes, enrol or change their program for the sanctioned course.
USP - Invalid or have not provided a USI (Stop graduation)
Students who are not seeking Commonwealth support will receive this sanction if they have not provided a USI, or if the USI provided is not in a valid format (eg. a letter or number is missing). Students cannot be conferred while they have a USP sanction, and will have their academic transcript and results withheld. Read more about Unique Student Identifier (USI).
UNP - Unverified USI (Stop graduation)
Students who are not seeking Commonwealth support will receive this sanction if the USI they have provided cannot be verified against the USI registry. This is usually because the first given name, family name or date of birth is entered differently into the USI Registry. Students cannot be conferred while they have a UNP sanction, and will have their academic transcript and results withheld. Read more about Unique Student Identifier (USI).
Further information
If you need further information about any of these sanctions, unless indicated otherwise, contact your UTS Student Centre.
Student and related rules:
2.2.5 Unique Student Identifier (USI)
7.8 Withdrawal from a course, 7.8.4
10.2 Assessment of Rate of Progress
10.3 Minimum Rate of Progress-Undergraduate
10.4 Failure to Maintain Minimum Rate of Progress
10.5 Maximum Time to Complete Course Requirements
10.6 Repeated failure in a subject