If you have a fee sanction, you have an outstanding debt(s) that requires your immediate attention.
If it appears that the sanction has been imposed incorrectly, please contact the department who imposed it directly to have the problem rectified.
Students in financial difficulty may be eligible for assistance from the financial assistance service.
Student sanction codes
There are a number of fee sanction codes which may appear in My Student Admin. Below you can find details about fee sanctions and their impact:
FOZ - Overdue fees (Stop enrolment)
- Your exam results and academic records are withheld, study plan amendment is blocked until you have paid any outstanding fees.
- You may not be able to receive an offer or enrol at UTS until outstanding fees are paid.
- Following payment it takes 3 days to clear the debt through the bank. Once the payment has cleared through the bank, the student system will automatically lift the sanction and you will be allowed to enrol, access to results, etc. You are not required to contact UTS to advise of payment of overdue fees.
Find out more about overdue or unpaid fees.
FOF - Overdue fees
- Your exam results and academic records are withheld until you have paid any outstanding fees.
- You may not be able to receive an offer or enrol at UTS until outstanding fees are paid.
- Following payment, it takes 3 days to clear the debt through the bank. Once the payment has cleared through the bank, the student system will automatically lift the sanction and you will be allowed to enrol, access to results, etc. You are not required to contact UTS to advise of payment of overdue fees.
Find out more about overdue or unpaid fees.
FOG - Overdue fees - not permitted to graduate
- Your exam results and academic records are withheld and study plan amendment is blocked until you have paid any outstanding fees.
- You are not permitted to graduate until all fees are paid.
Find out more about overdue or unpaid fees.
HOU - Overdue University accommodation rental
- Your exam results and academic records are withheld and study plan amendment is blocked until you have paid any outstanding fees. You will not be able to receive an offer for admission to UTS until outstanding debts are paid.
IAB - International Admission Blocked
- If you have not accepted your offer, you must do so as advised in your letter of offer.
- If you have already accepted your offer, your acceptance is currently being processed by UTS International.
- You will be notified via email when your acceptance has been processed. You will not be able to enrol at UTS until this is finalised.
LFN - Overdue library fine
- Your exam results and academic transcript are withheld until payment of outstanding library fines. You will not receive an offer for admission to UTS until outstanding fines are paid.
Find out more information about your overdue library fine.
FMC - Enrolment cancelled - overdue fees
- Your enrolment is in the process of being cancelled due to overdue fees.
Find out more about overdue or unpaid fees.
FWO - Withdrawn - fees unpaid
- Your enrolment has been withdrawn due to non-payment of outstanding fees. You must reapply for entry to the university and all outstanding fees must be paid before re-enrolment can be processed.
FDW - Fee debt
- Your enrolment has been cancelled due to overdue fees.
Find out more about overdue or unpaid fees.
FDC - Student debt referred to external debt collectors
- You have an outstanding debt with UTS that has been referred to an external debt collection agency.
Find out more about overdue or unpaid fees.
TFN - Unverified TFN (Stop enrolment)
- Your exam results and academic records are withheld, study plan amendment is blocked until your TFN is verified
USI - Invalid USI or have not provided an USI (Stop enrolment)
- Your exam results and academic records are withheld, study plan amendment is blocked until your USI is provided.
USV - Unverified USI (Stop enrolment)
- Your exam results and academic records are withheld, study plan amendment is blocked until your USI is verified.
- Your USI is unable to verify (mismatch personal details - family name, first name and date of birthday)
OSR - Overdue UTSI Scholarship Repayment
- You have an overdue UTSI scholarship repayment.
- Access to amend your study plan and to view your results has been blocked until you repay this scholarship.
- For more information or for any questions about this sanction please contact GlobalShortPrograms@uts.edu.au