First and Further Year Experience Grants for 2019 (open 20 November)
- Coordinators of first year undergraduate or postgraduate subjects, second year transition subjects taken by students coming from pathways, subjects that embed a career focus including final year subjects that prepare students for their future careers or any undergraduate subject that addresses year by year transitions, are invited to apply for amounts of up to $4,000 for projects aimed at implementing transition pedagogies through the curriculum. Team applications involving coordinators, teaching teams, tutors, demonstrators and academic support professionals are encouraged.
- This initiative is part of the 2019 UTS FFYE Strategy, widening the focus of the First Year Experience to recognise that students make transitions into and through courses, out to careers, and into further learning. The overall aim of the FFYE strategy is to develop and implement curriculum design and practice that supports effective student transition, success and retention, particularly for students from low socio-economic status (LSES) backgrounds and/or Indigenous students. As the previous FYE grant initiative has demonstrated, this broader approach has the potential of achieving success for all students.
- Guidelines: FFYE_grants_2019_guidelinesv2.pdf
- Application template: FFYE_grants_2019_application_template v2 .doc
DUE DATE: 10.00 am, Monday 10 December 2018
EXTENSION GIVEN to 10.00 am, Wednesday 12 December 2018
FYE grant applications (use the template) to be sent to .
Help and Support
(1) Information alternative sessions on hints and tips for applying for these grants. Please register below:
26 November, 3-4pm, LX.Lab
3 December, 3-4pm, LX.Lab
(2) Resources
- Transition Pedagogy - First Year Curriculum Principles (Kift 2009);
- Transition Checklist for First Year Teachers
- Successful Student Transition Guidelines (UTS publication).
- Resources (from to assist in the teaching and support of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds (OLT grant - Delvin, Kift, Nelson and Smith 2012)
- Exemplars from 2018 FYE grant applications that have been successfully implemented in 2018:
Note: grant holders have given their permission for their work to be published.
(3) Support for writing your applications or discussing your ideas
- Faculty First Year Transition Experience Coordinators:
Faculty |
Coordinator |
UTS phone |
Tim Laurie |
3174 |
Samantha Donnelly |
8958 |
Health |
Samantha Jakimowicz |
5234 |
Health |
Jacqui Pich |
5124 |
Law |
Francis Johns |
3251 |
Sam Ferguson |
4682 |
Wayne Brookes |
1872 |
Jacqueline Melvold |
4659 |
Susanne Pratt |
4657 |
Business |
Jon Tyler |
3629 |
Business |
Amanda White |
3637 |
Science |
Ashley Douglas |
8308 |
Note: All FYTE coordinators that have been involved in previous FYE grants.
- IML academics, including those from the Academic Language and Learning Group, are keen to support you in this process.
- Kathy Egea, FYE coordinator –, (02) 9524 1720
Devlin, M., Kift, S., Nelson, K. Smith, L., & McKay, J. (2012). Effective teaching and support of students from low socioeconomic status: Practical advice for institutional policy makers and leaders. Office for Learning and Teaching. Retrieved from
Kift, S. (2009). Articulating a transition pedagogy to scaffold and to enhance the first year student learning experience in Australian Higher Education: Final Report for ALTC Senior Fellowship Program. Retrieved from:
Kift, S., Nelson K., & Clarke, J. A. (2010). Transition pedagogy: a third generation approach to FYE: a case study of policy and practice for the higher education sector. The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, 1(1), 1-20.
Taylor, P.G., Millwater, J, & Nash, R. (2007). Talking about transitions: the value of a conceptual approach, in Enhancing Higher Education, Theory and Scholarship, Proceedings of the 30th HERDSA Annual Conference, Adelaide, 8-11 July.Retrieved from: