First Year Experience Grants for 2017
First Year Experience Grants Round (open November 9th, 2016)
Coordinators of first year subjects and second year transition subjects taken by students coming from pathways are invited to apply for amounts of up to $4,000 for projects aimed at implementing transition pedagogies in the curriculum. Team applications involving coordinators, teaching teams, tutors, demonstrators and academic support professionals are encouraged.
FYE grants have been successful in addressing the needs of first year students from low socioeconomic status groups and indigenous students within a framework designed to improve transition, success and retention for all students. In 2017, we are encouraging grant projects in either first or second year subjects that have commencing students coming into the subject. The aim is to introduce practices that support success and retention for both commencing students transitioning from all entry pathways, eg school, TAFE, higher education institutions, Insearch and where applicable continuing students transitioning from first to second year.
FYE grant applications (use the template + evaluation plan) to be sent to (UTS FYE coordinator) by 10am, Monday 5th December 2016
Help and Support
(1) Information alternative sessions on hints and tips for applying for these grants (RSVP to
- 14th November, 10-11 am, CB01.27.014
- 21st November, 1-2pm, CB01.27.014
(note: faculties may also be holding their own information session - please contact your FYTE coordinator for this information)
(2) Resources
- Transition Pedagogy - First Year Curriculum Principles (Kift 2009);
- Transition Checklist for First Year Teachers
- Successful Student Transition Guidelines (UTS publication).
- Resources (from to assist in the teaching and support of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds (OLT grant - Delvin, Kift, Nelson and Smith 2012)
- Exemplars from 2016 FYE grant applications that have been successfully implemented in 2016:
- Susan Oguro (FASS, International Studies): Making the ‘foreign’ familiar: supporting transitioning student success in developing reflective and effective learning strategies in introductory foreign language subjects
- Tamara Power (Health, Nursing): Engaging first year nursing students with digital stories of diversity
- Wayne Brookes (FEIT): Online self-assessment and transition support activities for students with diverse pre-UTS computer programming experiences
- Yvonne Davila, Neela Griffiths, Peter Meier (Science, IML): Removing the cloak of invisibility: developing scientific writing practices for commencing Science students
(Permission has been obtained from the grant holders to publish their applications)
(3) Support for writing your applications or discussing your ideas
- Faculty First Year Transition Experience Coordinators:
FASS Vicki Bamford* x2750
DAB Todd McMillian x8673
DAB Jennifer McDonald x8972
Health Lisa Townsend x5747
Law Francis Johns* x3251
FEIT Sam Ferguson* x4682
Business Amanda White* x3637
Science Yvonne Davila* x1749
Science Renee Dowse x8346
Science Bronwyn O’Brien x4104
- IML academics, including those from the Academic Language and Learning Group, are keen to support you in this process.
- Kathy Egea, FYE coordinator –, (02) 9524 1720