Text description
- Prepare yourself
- Confirm your eligibility to enrol in an internship subject
- Prepare cover letter and resume
- Apply for the Startup Internships program at startupinternships.uts.edu.au
- Receive offer of a video interview, or notice of unsuitability
- Confirm availability for interview
- Prepare for interview
- Complete video interview
- Invitation to Meet and Greet interview with Community Manager and startups or notice of unsuitability
- Lodge CareerHub workflow
- Submit e request to enrol in a science internship subject
- Attend Meet and Greet interview
- Receive offer of internship or notice of unsuitability
- Attend community instruction and complete all paperwork before starting
- CareerHub application approved by community and UTS
- Attend community induction
- Complete the internship
- Startup internships feedback form
- Submit assessements
- Complete CareerHub paperwork
- Internship concludes
- Observe, learn and apply your skills and knowledge
- Connect with new people
- Find a mentor
- Take initiative
- Celebrate