Meeting 21/4 of the Academic Board of the University of Technology Sydney is scheduled for Wednesday 29 September 2021 at 9am via Zoom.
The agenda and papers for this meeting are available in the following agenda table or as combined agenda and papers (updated, 12.8mb PDF). (Note: Access to papers is restricted to Academic Board members and UTS staff only.)
For information about Academic Board, see functions and powers of Academic Board (Rule G3, Part 1, Division 3).
Skip to section: 1. Procedural matters | 2. Reports from the Chair/Deputy Chair and Vice-Chancellor | 3. Priority issues | 4. Committee business | 5. Faulty/Board matters | 6. Presentations | 7. General business | 8. Other business
Item | Topic | Paper |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Board members are asked to declare to the Chair any interest in relation to any matters listed. |
1.1 | Welcome/apologies | |
1.2 | Minutes For confirmation: minutes of meeting 21/3 (28 July 2021) |
Item 1.2 (312kb PDF) |
1.3 | Business arising from the minutes All known matters are listed on the agenda |
1.4 | Receipt of tabled papers There are no tabled papers |
1.5 | Starring of items for discussion | |
2.1* | Report from the Chair/Deputy Chair For noting |
Item 2.1 (102kb PDF) |
Attachment 1: Chair’s executive action to approve appointment to Academic Board and its committees | Item 2.1.1 (66kb PDF) | |
Attachment 2: 2021 Academic Board Forward Plan | Item 2.1.2 (197kb PDF) | |
2.2* | Report from the Vice-Chancellor For noting |
Item 2.2 (315kb PDF) |
3.1* | UTS 2027 Strategy and Fit for 2027 For noting |
Presentation (540kb PDF) |
3.2* | Transdisciplinary electives program For discussion |
Item 3.2 (167kb PDF) |
3.3* | Course and Subject Performance Report For noting |
Item 3.3 (169kb PDF) |
Attachment 1: Course and Subject Performance Report | Item 3.3.1 (5mb PDF) | |
Attachment 2: Faculty of Design Architecture and Building Response to the Course and Subject Performance Report, 2020 Edition | Item 3.3.2 (174kb PDF) | |
Attachment 3: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Response to the Course and Subject Performance Report, 2020 Edition | Item 3.3.3 (153kb PDF) | |
Attachment 4: Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Response to the Course and Subject Performance Report, 2020 Edition | Item 3.3.4 (2265kb PDF) | |
Attachment 5: Faculty of Health Response to the Course and Subject Performance Report, 2020 Edition | Item 3.3.5 (171kb PDF) | |
Attachment 6: Faculty of Law Response to the Course and Subject Performance Report, 2020 Edition | Item 3.3.6 (173kb PDF) | |
Attachment 7: Faculty of Science Response to the Course and Subject Performance Report, 2020 Edition | Item 3.3.7 (385kb PDF) | |
Attachment 8: Faculty of Transdisciplinary Response to the Course and Subject Performance Report, 2020 Edition | Item 3.3.8 (199kb PDF) | |
Attachment 9: UTS Business School Response to the Course and Subject Performance Report, 2020 Edition | Item 3.3.9 (192kb PDF) | |
3.4* | UTS Corporate Plan 2021 Mid-year progress report For noting |
Item 3.4 (105kb PDF) |
Attachment 1: UTS Corporate Plan 2021 Mid-year progress report | Item 3.4.1 (1.5mb PDF) | |
4.1* | Courses Accreditation Committee report For decision |
Item 4.1 (569b PDF) |
4.2 | Executive Committee of Academic Board report For noting |
Item 4.2 (82kb PDF) |
Attachment 1: Reporting on Courses Accreditation Matters approved by Executive Committee of Academic Board | Item 4.2.1 (115kb PDF) | |
4.3 | Higher Degree Research Board report For noting |
Item 4.3 (81kb PDF) |
4.4 | Research Committee report For decision |
Item 4.4 (185kb PDF) |
Attachment 1: Open Access Policy | Item 4.4.1 (204kb PDF) | |
Attachment 2: Research Risk Subcommittee Composition and Terms of Reference | Item 4.4.2 (78kb PDF) | |
4.5* | Teaching and Learning Committee report For decision |
Item 4.5 (277kb PDF) |
Attachment 1: Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy | Item 4.5.1 (137kb PDF) | |
Attachment 2: Proposed Changes to Rules, Policy and Procedures to Reflect Inherent Requirements | Item 4.5.2 (153kb PDF) | |
Attachment 3: Award Course Approval Policy | Item 4.5.3 (125kb PDF) | |
Attachment 4: Award Course Approval and Publication Procedures | Item 4.5.4 (180kb PDF) | |
Attachment 5: Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy | Item 4.5.5 (199kb PDF) | |
Attachment 6: Recognition of Prior Learning Procedures | Item 4.5.6 (139kb PDF) | |
Attachment 7: RPL Changes — Proposed amendments to the Student Rules | Item 4.5.7 (116kb PDF) | |
Attachment 8: RPL: Academic Board feedback | Item 4.5.8 (186kb PDF) | |
Attachment 9: Credits and awards | Item 4.5.9 (205kb PDF) | |
No reports | ||
6.1* | Student voices: Academic integrity For noting |
Presentation (3.17mb PDF) |
7.1 | Respect. Now. Always. Initiatives update For noting |
Item 7.1 (169kb PDF) |
7.2 | Online Program Management (OPM) Quality Assurance Report For noting |
Item 7.2 (169kb PDF) |
Attachment 1: Quality assurance: Learning design and product development | Item 7.2.1 (917kb PDF) | |
Attachment 2: Early subject learning design review by PGLD | Item 7.2.2 (172kb PDF) | |
Attachment 3: Post Delivery Subject Reviews | Item 7.2.3 (114kb PDF) | |
Attachment 4: OPM Annual Course Reviews | Item 7.2.4 (141kb PDF) | |
7.3* | Student Misconduct Annual Report For noting |
Item 7.3 (updated, 255kb PDF) |
7.4 | Elections report For noting |
Item 7.4 (156kb PDF) |
7.5 | Student Load report For noting |
Item 7.5 (279kb PDF) |