Better, Sustainable, Efficient

The Chemistry discipline at UTS brings together a diverse group of chemists with expertise in analytical chemistry, synthetic organic and inorganic chemistry, chemical biology, medicinal chemistry and materials chemistry.
We are organised into groups that aim to address society’s needs through chemical innovations. Much of our research centres on the interaction of chemistry and human health. We take a multi-pronged approach to improving cancer outcomes that includes understanding the role of metals in cancer and developing new diagnostic tests and anticancer drugs. Our analytical chemists are developing new ways to detect molecules that impact the health of people and the environment. The Centre for Clean Energy Technology (CCET), which sits in the chemistry discipline, is focused on the development of new devices for energy harvesting and storage. Understanding the fundamental chemical principals that underpin our applied research is also a core component of our work.
Chemicals and people are critical to our research. Leveraging chemistry’s position as the central science, we collaborate nationally and internationally with researchers from all fields in interdisciplinary research projects. Research students and postdoctoral researchers drive our laboratory research activities, and we provide a collegial environment to support their scientific and career development.
Our academics include experts in the fields of: