Research is at the heart of any innovative University and provides a strong mechanism for societal impact, student aspiration, and powerful curriculum development.

Research is creative, inspiring and knowledge generating. It can be of a fundamental nature, or very much applied with almost immediate impact.
Our research is exemplified by its excellence, engagement with global academic partners, and innovative collaborations that transcend disciplinary and professional boundaries. We produce a significant proportion of Nature and Science publications at UTS.
Research with the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences is among the most dynamic at UTS. Don’t take our word for it. See the Excellence for Research in Australia results where we are ranked highly in Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences and The Australian, which named our Forensics as being Global Leading.
Research impact
Our researchers collaborate and explore a vast array of scientific and mathematical programs from developing new ways to detect crime, to producing new drugs and generating clean energy, energy efficient materials to harnessing statistical methods and modelling to optimise efficiency. This leads to powerful stories of impact:
Our statisticians have helped the Australian Red Cross Blood Service analyse the impact of vein visualisation technology (VVT) on donation success and collection experience for blood donors.
Working with some of the world’s biggest specialist chemical and component manufacturers across the supply chain, our researchers led the design and development of innovations in heat control, cool paints, solar cells, signage, windows, skylights, and lighting systems. Benefits from these products continue to be felt in the building industries in Australia and around the world and have resulted in new methods, ratings and standards aimed at improving human comfort, saving energy and helping to mitigate the effects of global warming.
Law enforcement and counter terrorism organisations worldwide use procedures and standards arising from research at UTS’s Centre for Forensic Science (CFS) to develop and interpret fingerprints that are often invisible on surfaces touched during criminal activity.
The CFS has defined, invented and improved techniques that enable the criminal justice system to more effectively detect criminals, prove their involvement and eliminate suspects whose fingermarks do not match those on evidence. One of our most impactful discoveries is known internationally as the Australian formula.
The School engages strongly with the Australian Medical Biotechnology Industry. Based on our Eureka prize winning technology, our researchers realised their discoveries could be applied to many low-level analyte, early-stage detection problems from cancer detection to anti-counterfeiting efforts. Today, we work with specialist companies to develop the commercialisation of this technology.
Facilities and laboratories
The School’s research programs are supported by world class research facilities and excellent technical support. In fact, we have recently completed renovations to a new analytical suite, new crime scene laboratory and new synthetic chemistry laboratories for making new and innovative compounds and composites.
There are major themes to our research investigating the world around us:
- Light Interacting With Matter: Include Pandemic response.
- The Quantum World.
- Analysing the world around us.
- Energy Storage and Sustainability.
- Markets, Risk and optimisation.
- Justice and Society.
Centres and Institutes
These are our research-intensive centres and institutes:
- Centre for Forensic Science (CFS).
- Institute for Biomedical Materials and Devices (IBMD).
- Centre for Clean Energy Technology (CCET).
- UTS node of ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-optical Systems.
- Atomic Medicine Initiative.
Our research engine room
Gain access to world-class resources, facilities and funding when you study a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) within the School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences.
Higher Degree by Research students are critical to our research efforts. Within the School, students undertaking a higher degree by research, such as a Masters by Research or a PhD, receive funding support for essential resources and attending conferences. The School and Faculty also recognise HDR talent through a range of awards and prizes. You are a member of a School with a great culture right in the heart of the city.