Clinic Privacy Notice
The University of Technology Sport and Exercise telepractice clinic (referred to as “the Clinic, “we” or “us”), is a not-for-profit teaching and learning clinic that provides quality services to the community. The Clinic provides opportunities for students undertaking the UTS Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science degree in the Faculty of Health to gain experience in assessment, prescription and delivery of exercise to clients.
Your personal and health information will be collected when you make an appointment and also by our students in each appointment. We will be collecting the following information:
- Your name and contact details.
- Responses to guided questions about past and current health and any related issues, exercise goals, availabilities, facilities around you and likes or dislikes. This may include a medical clearance if relevant to your situation.
- Responses to the Adult Pre-Exercise Screening System (APSS)
- Feedback about your progress in the program.
- Emergency contact details
Collecting your information is necessary for us to determine your suitability for the program and so our students can carry out the most appropriate exercise assessments, prescription and delivery of the exercise program. Providing us your information is voluntary. However, if we do not receive the information required, it may compromise your participation in the program.
Your information will be used:
- To communicate with you, including arranging and managing your appointments.
- To guide the development of exercise assessment and prescription to improve your overall health and wellbeing.
- To assess the program’s effectiveness.
- To investigate and/or manage adverse incidents, legal claims or complaints.
- For other quality improvement and planning purposes. This includes for this activity, or broader and strategic planning.
For these purposes, your information will be accessible to enrolled 3rd year Sport and Exercise Science students and their supervisors, subject staff, and the Clinic administrative staff on a need-to-know basis.
Your information will only be disclosed with your written consent, unless:
- It is subpoenaed by a court of law,
- It is necessary to investigate and/or manage adverse incidents, legal claims or complaints,
- Failure to disclose information would place you or another person at risk, or
- Such information is legally required to be reported, or otherwise required or permitted by law.
Client files and other material are held in in a secure electronic format and retained to support you as a client and to document the services provided. Your client file will be kept for 7 years from your last contact, in accordance with our legal retention obligations.
Zoom video conferencing calls are fully encrypted. You will be required to provide a name when logging in to Zoom so the students can identify you. Zoom does not store the identities of guest users – the snapshot and name is only taken to identify the guests to their students. If logging in as a guest you are not required to sign up with Zoom and no private information is captured.
You have the right to request access to your information and to request inaccurate information be corrected or updated. To request access to your information, or to update or correct your information, contact the Clinic directly.
If you wish to withdraw from the program at any time please contact the clinic coordinator.
If you have any concerns about the management of your personal information, please inform the Work Integrated Learning Team at the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation. Further information on making a privacy complaint is also available on the UTS website’s privacy complaints page.
You can find further information about how the Clinic operates from our Clinical Information Sheet (PDF, 117KB)
If you have any questions about this notice and how your information will be managed, or to make any requests relating to the rights referred to above, please contact the Clinic directly:
- via email or
- via phone on 0491 690 445 or 0419 799 861 (Tuesday (1:00pm-6:00pm), Wednesday to Friday (8.00am to 6.00pm).
For further information about privacy and the university’s privacy contacts, see privacy at UTS.