Our strategic partnerships with prominent healthcare institutions are opening up exciting opportunities for research, collaboration, and community engagement.
Northern Sydney Local Health District
The partnership with Northern Sydney Local Health District continues to be strengthened. Three conjoint professoriates (Professor Margaret Fry, Associate Professor Jo River, Associate Professor Eamon Merrick) continue to increase the school’s profile with this area health, through reciprocal invitations to research events and activities.
Opportunities have also increased such as invitations to deliver lectures and attendance at School Research Forum and other networking events, such as the recent Sigma Theta Tau Xi Omicron Chapter Launch. These conjoint roles have a strong focus on nursing and midwifery research growth and development.
POW Randwick Precinct
The POW Randwick Precinct now has the presence of the newly appointed Associate Professor in Person Centered Care Research - Associate Professor Suzanne Sheppard-Law, and the school looks forward to our increasing the engagement with the LHD through this conjoint partnership. Professor Lin Perry continues her role as Conjoint in this LHD.
Children’s Hospital Network
At the Children’s Hospital Network, conjoint Professor Marilyn Cruickshank continues to lead SoNM engagement strategies with Research committee membership from the school and increasing collaborations with staff on paediatric research projects.
The Ingham Research Institute
The newly established partnership with Professor Josephine Chow, The Ingham Research Institute, Southwestern Sydney has led to two shared supervision PhD student applications and two grant applications in the short time that we have been engaging with Professor Chow. This is expanding our local engagement and providing opportunities for staff to connect with the Western Sydney population’s health needs.