School of Nursing and Midwifery - Academic and professional staff list
Head of School

Professor Kathleen Baird
Kathleen Baird has been a midwife since 1996 and she has a wealth of experience in clinical and academic positions. Kathleen has consistently advocates for teaching excellence, innovation in midwifery practice and evidence-based practice. She contributes to the development of midwifery knowledge and enhanced curriculum development and assessment by introducing progressive teaching and assessment processes to curricula in order to meet the demands and changes in service provision of midwifery.
Her previous clinical and academic experiences have taught Kathleen how to build and maintain strong relationships with all departments within the University and the hospital. She is aware of the importance of developing and fostering collegial relationships and working closely with midwifery, medical and allied health colleagues to provide leadership. Kathleen has the ability to both lead and work within teams. She has worked with several agencies on various projects including statutory and third sector agencies and has been successful in fostering and achieving collaborative interagency working.
TWITTER: @kbaird20
Deputy Head of School - Research

Professor Anna Williams
(Bio coming soon)
Deputy Head of School - Teaching and Learning

Associate Professor Jacqui Pich
Jacqui is the Deputy Head of School – Teaching and Learning for the School. Prior to this she worked in a number of leadership roles since joining UTS in 2017. She served as the First and Further Year Coordinator from 2018-2019 and held the position of Course Director for the Bachelor of Nursing for over three years. Jacqui is also currently the Responsible Academic Officer for the BN program. Jacqui has comprehensive experience in program, course and curriculum design and reaccreditation in undergraduate nursing. Her achievements were recognized by UTS in 2021 when she was awarded two Vice Chancellor’s Teaching and Learning citations for innovative projects that have had a direct impact on students’ learning outcomes, enhancing the development of skills and knowledge related to patient safety and empathic practice. In 2022 she led a team that was awarded a Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning by the Australian Awards for University Teaching.
Jacqui is regarded as an expert in the area of violence in nursing and has made regular media appearances, including a feature story on the 730 Report on the ABC. Jacqui works closely with industry partners including the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) where she is the co-chair of the Nurses and Violence Committee. Jacqui has also worked closely with the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) and her work as Chief Investigator in a study on violence in nursing in midwifery in NSW was submitted to the Anderson Review - Safe and Secure: Review of NSW Hospitals in 2019.
Head of Discipline – Midwifery

Professor Jennifer Fenwick
Professor Jennifer Fenwick has been a registered midwife since 1983 and has extensive clinical, academic and research experience. Jennifer’s background in the clinical setting has focused on caseload, continuity and community models of midwifery care and service delivery. Jennifer has a national and international research profile.
There are very few clinician researchers in Australia or internationally who have been as successful as Jennifer in bringing together clinical skills and credibility with sociological and psychological insights into women’s birth experiences and their transition to motherhood. In 2018 and 2019 Jennifer was named Australia’s lead researcher in Pregnancy and Childbirth.
Head of Discipline – Nursing

Professor Stacy Blythe
Stacy Blythe has been a Registered Nurse since 2003 with clinical expertise in critical care and infection control. Stacy’s research focuses on the health and well-being of children in out-of-home care and their families (both birth and foster families), and she has a particular interest in infants and children who were prenatally exposed to harmful substances (eg. illicit drugs).
In addition to her nursing, teaching and research qualifications, Stacy has post graduate certification in Developmental Trauma and has been an authorised foster carer for 18+ years. Drawing on her skills as a nurse, knowledge as a researcher and experience as a carer, Stacy provides training to health care workers, social service providers, educators and foster/kinship carers in relation to working with children who have experienced prenatal substance exposure and/or developmental trauma.
Professor Kathleen Baird, Professor of Midwifery
Professor Marilyn Cruickshank, Professor of Nursing - Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
Emeritus Professor Christine Duffield, Professor of Nursing & Health Services Management
Professor Marg Fry, Professor of Nursing / Director Research & Practice Development, Nursing and Midwifery Directorate - Northern Sydney Local Health District [opens external site]
Emeritus Professor Caroline Homer AO, Professor of Midwifery
Emeritus Professor Debra Jackson AO, Professor of Nursing
Distinguished Professor Tracy Levett-Jones, Professor of Nursing Education
Professor Jane Maguire, Professor of Nursing (Genomics Education)
Professor Deborah Parker, Professor of Aged Care (Dementia) Nursing
Professor Lin Perry, Professor of Nursing Research & Practice Development - South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, Department of Endocrinology (Prince of Wales Hospital) [opens external site]
Professor Jane Sandall, Professor of MidwiferyAssociate Professor Peter Sinclair, Postgraduate Nursing Studies Coordinator
Professor Amanda Wilson, Deputy Head Of School (Teaching And Learning), School of Nursing and Midwifery
Associate Professor Christine Catling, NHMRC Research Fellow
Associate Professor Anne-Marie Eades
Associate Professor Eamon Merrick
Professor Stacy Blythe
Professor Anna Williams
Course directors
- Laura Sheridan, Course Director, Undergraduate Nursing
- Dr Carmen Axisa, Course Director, Postgraduate Nursing
- Bao Tran Dinh-Le, Assistant Course Director, Postgraduate Nursing
- Dr Heike Roth, Course Director, Bachelor of Midwifery
- Dr Loretta Musgrave, Course Director, Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
- Dr Vanessa Scarf, Course Director, Postgraduate Midwifery
Clinical chairs
- Professor Marilyn Cruikshank, Professor of Nursing and Research, Sydney Children's Hospitals Network
- Professor Margaret Fry, Director Research and Practice Development
- Professor Lin Perry, Professor of Nursing Research & Practice Development