The CrutchSwing concept explores weight redistribution as a technique to make the use of crutches easier.
Conventional crutches require approximately twice the energy expenditure than that of normal walking, and results in considerably higher levels of muscle fatigue. This is due to the fact that the human upper-body is not well equipped to deal with the forces required for or exerted by the use of conventional crutches. By directing those forces back to the lower body through the use of a solid frame and seat, the Crutch Swing concept negates the need for a user to suspend the entirety of their weight during the swing-through phase of crutch use.
This innovation has the potential to drastically reduce the energy expenditure required for crutch use, while also being beneficial in other ways—while stationary, it acts as a seat for the user, and further prevents dropping of the crutches while the user’s hands are otherwise engaged. The crutches can also be removed from the swing and used as conventional crutches when the crutch swing is not required.

Crutch Swing
Alex Profilio