The uniqueness of the Centre for Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (BIDA) lies not so much in what problems will be addressed, but in how they are addressed.

Research reports
Brown, P., Bajada, C., Leslie, J., and Downes, J., (2022), Model for Waste Prevention Measurement, prepared for the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment.
- Agarwal, R., Toner, P., Bajada, C., Li, H., Paul, S., Phan, Y., (2021), The impact of government-led business advisory services, prepared for Department of industry, Science and Resources.
- Agarwal, R., Toner, P., Bajada, C., Li, H., Paul, S., Phan, Y., (2021), A scoping study of active Australian government business management advisory services, prepared for Department of industry, Science and Resources.
- Agarwal, R., Toner, P., Bajada, C., Li, H., Paul, S., Phan, Y., (2021), A scoping study of active Australian government business management advisory services, prepared for Department of industry, Science and Resources.
- Agarwal R, Bajada C, Li W, Brown P, Pugalia S, Shao D, Green R, Shavazi A, Majeed O; (2021) Management capability and employment growth (EDAN)Management Capabilities, Firm Performance, Size Evolution and Survival, Economic Data Analysis Network (EDAN), prepared for the Office of the Chief Economist and Department of industry, Science and Resources, Canberra.
- Agarwal R, Bajada C, Li W, Brown P, Shao D, Pugalia S, Green R, Shavazi A, Majeed O., (2021) Management capabilities and firm performance: a study of Australian firms (EDAN Paper), Management Capabilities, Firm Performance, Size Evolution and Survival Report. University of Technology Sydney. Economic Data Analysis Network, prepared for the Office of the Chief Economist and Department of industry, Science and Resources, Canberra.
- Burdon, S., Clegg, S., Abedin, B., Bajada, C., Kang, K and Priharsari, D., (2021), Powering national outcomes from new digital technologies: An analysis of government policies to maximise the economic and social benefits, prepared for Asia Productivity Organisation, Tokyo, Japan.
- Agarwal, R., Bajada, C., Brown, P., Green, R., & Li, W. (2020). Management Capabilities, Firm Performance, Size Evolution and Survival Report, prepared for Department of industry, Science and Resources.
- Bajada, C., & Agarwal, R. (2020). Modelling Labour Supply for NATA Accreditation Assessment Services. Sydney: prepared for National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia.
- Ralph, P., Thomson, A., Bajada, C., Brown., and Labeeuw, L., (2020), Deep Green Biotech Hub: Stakeholder engagement and Impact, prepared for NSW Treasury.
- Agarwal, R., Bajada, C., Brown, P., Moran, I., & Balaguer, A. (2019). Development of Management Capability Scores (EDAN Paper): Development of Management Capability Scores and Analysis Economic Data Analysis Network (EDAN), Office of Chief Economist, DIISR Canberra.
- Skellern, K., Brown, P., Bajada, C., Bliemel, M., and Edwards, M., (2019), University-SME Collaboration in NSW, Australia & Internationally, prepared for the NSW Department of Industry.
- Agarwal, R., Bajada, C., Brown, P, J. (2018) Development of Management Capability Scores and Analysis, prepared for Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Office of Chief Economist, Canberra
- Agarwal, R., Bajada, C., Brown, P, J. (2018) Barriers to University-Industry Collaboration, prepared for NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development and the Innovation Productivity Council.
- Agarwal, R., Bajada, C., Green, R., & Josserand, E., Mapping NSW Innovation Precincts, (2018) prepared for NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development and the Innovation Productivity Council.
- Agarwal, R., Bajada, C., & Green, R., Economic Value of NATA Accreditation in Australia, (2018) prepared for National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia.
- Moran,I., Balaguer,A., Agarwal, R., Bajada, C., and Brown, P, J. (2018) Strategic management in Australian firm, prepared for Office of Chief Economist and Department of Innovation, Canberra.