Interdisciplinary research partnership at the forefront of sustainability transformation

Our scope
How does sustainable development transform economies and societies to ensure prosperity for all on a liveable planet? Our researchers recognise that nothing but transformative change will redirect the current trajectory of worsening climate change, biodiversity loss and economic inequalities.
Leading institutions, organisations and changemakers are setting their ambition to act, but an implementation gap continues. We explore pragmatic ways to unlock inertia and reset plans, policies, and strategies for transformative change.
Identifying the opportunities and investing in business transformation to address complex sustainability issues can be costly, but timely, viable solutions can save money, preserve valuable resources, and improve people’s lives.
Our dedicated researchers help organisations and changemakers access independent research and an evidence base on which they can reset their decision-making, strategies, and operating models. Our research develops, sets preparedness for, and targets actionable solutions for sustainable transformations. Within organisations, across value chains and in markets.
We invite people in all types of organisations, occupations, and networks to join us in putting sustainability at the forefront of decision-making that redefines positive business impacts for thriving communities and restoring the planet.
Our commitment to climate action
We recognise that the human-induced climate crisis is a fundamental challenge at this time. We also acknowledge that this crisis is accelerated through business activity in the form of industrial production and commercial consumption.
Our centre is helping create an evidence base that encourages all institutions and organisations to act on addressing climate change and related UN sustainable development goals. We help leaders and changemakers to understand, navigate, govern, and operate in a climate-changed environment where sustainable business transformation plays a critical role in ensuring no further destabilisation of the Earth System.
We know that the challenge is bigger than just our centre, and that’s why we collaborate on the UTS Business School commitment on climate and the UTS Climate Positive Plan.
Our collaborative partnerships
The heightening impacts of social and ecological crises make sustainability an increasingly urgent imperative for business, requiring a rethink in the market and governance systems guiding how we organise and conduct business and economic activities. Our research tackles complex and contemporary challenges and opportunities.
We cannot work alone, our research aligns with the UTS 2027 strategy and the UTS Business School’s vision to be a socially committed Business School focused on developing and sharing knowledge for an innovative, sustainable and prosperous economy in a fairer world.
We generate strategic projects through the UTS Business School community of practice through roundtables, forums and thought leadership networking events. By linking with business, government, and community professionals we ensure our research is co-defined in collaboration with our partners.
Through our research, teaching, professional engagement and networks, we want to accelerate the transition to sustainable enterprise within the challenging context of the Anthropocene. The Collaborative’s objective is to improve human and societal wellbeing and maintain and restore natural capital stocks. We support organisations, institutions, and networks to catalyse change that is restorative, circular and regenerative.
Partnerships for impact
Our collaborative inquiry and action-oriented research processes place complex sustainability challenges at the core.
Collaboratives are project-based, focussed on framing complex challenges to bring new understandings that can overcome problems or to co-develop and test implementable solutions and strategic action plans. During these times when people are confronted with grand challenges that require innovative solutions, our collaborative approach enables them to do just this.
We leverage applied, action-oriented or design-led approaches, drawing on multiple fields of expertise by engaging diverse researchers, educators, and practitioners in every project.
Sharing learnings can amplify impacts, so we craft generalised findings and research outputs that can be shared broadly across industries, with policymakers and the media, and through educational materials to educate and inspire the next generation of changemakers.