LLE researchers investigate learning and change across diverse family networks and community groups.

We seek to develop agency through co-designed research and participatory methodologies.
We work closely with the disability community, indigenous youth, health service providers and the families utilising these services.
Ethics and sustainability
Ethical Leadership
- Research team: Rick Flowers with UTS Shopfront and UTS Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion
- Funding: George Koukis philanthropist $20,000
Working with the SDGs – One story at a time
Researcher: Donna Rooney
Health and disability
Disability Citizenship Monitor
- Research team: Simon Darcy (lead CI, UTS Business), Deborah De bono (Health), Bronwyn Hemsley (Health), Hamish Robertson (Health), Linda Steele (Law), Kirsty Young (Education), Adam Berry (Data Institute), Phillippa Carnemolla (DAB)
- Funding: UTS cross-faculty collaboration grant $20,000
Disability Data Innovation
- Research team: Adam Berry (lead CI, Data Institute), James Brown (FEIT), Valerie Gay (FEIT), Deborah Debono (Health), Bronwyn Hemsley (Health), Hamish Robertson (Health), Linda Steele (Law), Kirsty Young (Education), Simon Darcy (Business), Phillippa Carnemolla (DAB)
- Funding: UTS cross-faculty collaboration grant $49,629
How to promote brilliant healthcare for complex health issues
- Research team: Nick Hopwood with Western Sydney Business School and St George Hospital
- Funding: Western Sydney University Business School $75,000
Research-informed education resources for Nepalese parents experiencing difficulty with child feeding
- Researcher: Nick Hopwood
- Funding: South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Multicultural Health Grants Program $19,968
Supporting children with complex feeding difficulties (SUCCEED)
- Research team: Nick Hopwood with South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
- Funding: Maridulu Budyari Gumal / Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE), an NHMRC accredited Academic Health Science Partnership $69,196
Indigenous youth
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students' early exit from The Smith Family's Learning for Life education scholarships program
Researcher: Katrina Thorpe
Funding: The Smith Family
Evaluation of AISNSW pilot project: Improving Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students
Researcher: Tracy Barber
Funding: The Association of Independent Schools (NSW)
Improving Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students
Researcher: Tracy Barber
Funding: The Association of Independent Schools (NSW)
The role of The Smith Family’s Learning for Life educational scholarship program in supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Year 12 completions
Researcher: Katrina Thorpe
Funding: The Smith Family
Strategic Research for the GO Foundation
Researcher: Tracy Barber
Funding: Goodes O’Loughlin Foundation Limited
Testing a new model for addressing covert racism faced by Indigenous youth
- Research team: Bep Uink (Murdoch University), Jonathan Bullen (Curtin University), Rebecca Bennett (Murdoch University), Gregory Martin (UTS), Ashleigh Lin (Telethon Kids Institute), Jenna Woods (Murdoch University) & Yin Paradies (Deakin University)
- Funding: Australian Research Council, Indigenous Discovery Grant $548,000
Wonnarua/Gringai Language Project
Researcher: Tracy Barber
Funding: Wonnarua National Aboriginal Corporation