The Crime and Security Science research group is a partnership between academia and industry, focusing on applied criminology and related research in order to enhance public and community safety.

Our research
The Crime and Security Science Research Group (CaSS) seeks to advance applied and translational criminology, criminal justice, policing and community safety research and consultancy that is evidenced-based across the UTS community as well as externally around Australia and globally through multi-disciplinary, collaborative, impactful and industry relevant engagement.
CaSS aims to be an applied and industry-focused research entity that:
- Conducts basic, applied and evaluation research that is both relevant and useable by a range of stakeholders.
- Provides advice on a range of applied and translational criminology issues.
- Produces outputs that are practice and/or policy orientated and relevant.
- Generates criminological research that engenders a dynamic interface between research and practice.
- Disseminates their scientific/evidence-based outputs to a variety of audiences through various modes and methods.
The work of CaSS seeks to meet the following objectives:
- To advance safe and secure communities.
- To foster communities in being resilient.
- To support communities in being vibrant.
- To champion communities that are connected and experience wellbeing.
Research themes
The work of CaSS is conducted through eight themes:
Law Enforcement and Policing (Theme leader: Dr Kai Lin)
Offender Management and Rehabilitation (Theme leader: A/Prof Philip Birch)
GIS, Crime and Disorder (Theme leader: Adam Marsden)
Digital Criminology (Theme leader: Dr Anna Aquilina)
Safer by Design (Theme leader: Dr Lindsay Asquith and Dr Rodger Watson)
Professional Practice and Wellbeing (Theme leader: A/Prof Philip Birch)
Quantitative Criminology (Theme leader: Dr Joanna Wang)
Emergency and Disaster Management and Response (Theme leader: Dr Alan Beckley)
Group members
UTS members
A/Prof Philip Birch (Criminology, School of International Studies & Education (SoISE), Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (FASS), UTS – Chair, CaSS)
Dr Kai Lin (Criminology, SoISE, FASS, UTS)
Dr Joanna Wang (Mathematics and Physical Sciences, FoS, UTS)
Dr Lindsay Asquith (Design, DAB, UTS)
Dr Rodger Watson (Transdisciplinary School, UTS)
Dr Anna Aquilina (Chief Information Officer, UTS)
Industry members
Prof Nick Kaldas (Criminology Industry Professor, SoISE, FASS, UTS)
Dr Alan Beckley (Criminology Industry Fellow, SoISE, FASS, UTS)
Dr Tim Cubbitt (Criminology Industry Fellow, SoISE, FASS, UTS)
FA Adam Marsden (Intelligence and Forensic Operations, AFP)
International members
Prof Jane L. Ireland (Chair of Forensic Psychology, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), UK and Head of Ashworth Research Centre, NHS, UK)
Prof Colin Rogers (Chair of Policing and Security, University of South Wales (USW), UK)
Prof Ivan Y. Sun (Professor of Criminal Justice and Director of Graduate Studies, University of Delaware, USA)
Prof Garth Den Heyer (Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University, USA)
Members of CaSS hold a range of positions on criminology and criminal justice related journals, including:
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace
Abuse: An International Impact Journal
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology
Research projects
Examples of our current and recent research projects include:
- Police officer wellbeing: A cross culture comparison. Chief Investigators: A/Prof Philip Birch, Dr Alan Beckley and Dr Joanna Wang.
- Prison Bullying: Insights into the Scientific Evidence. Chief Investigators: A/Prof Philip Birch and Prof Jane L. Ireland (UClan, UK).
- Use of Forensic Imagery in the Police Investigation. Chief Investigators: A/Prof Philip Birch, A/Prof Glenn Porter, A/Prof Michael Kennedy (UNE, Aus.), Prof Lewis Bizo (CSU, Aus.) and Dr Erin Kruger (WSU, Aus.).
- Identity Theft and Biometrics: A statistical modelling analysis. Chief Investigators: A/Prof Philip Birch, Dr Joanna Wang, Dr Kamel Taoum (SoISE, UTS), Distinguished Prof. Claude Roux (FoS, UTS) and Dr Angela Huo (FEIT, UTS).
- Exploring body disposal methods in non-organised crime homicides. Chief Investigators: A/Prof Philip Birch, Adam Marsden, Dr Bianca Spaccavento (CSU, Aus.); Dr Andrew Ellis (Justice Health, NSW) and Dr Sharon Klamer (AFP).
- Exploring the role and impact of literacy peer-tutoring in NSW prisons. Chief Investigators: A/Prof Philip Birch and Dr Keiko Yasukawa (SoISE, UTS).
- Applying SIPs: Assessing a Stalking model through known cases. Chief Investigators: A/Prof Philip Birch and Prof Jane L. Ireland (UClan, UK).
- Examining the role of Therapy Dogs in the Criminal Justice System. Chief Investigators: A/Prof Philip Birch, Dr Kai Lin and Dr Keiko Yasukawa (SoISE, UTS).
- A Path Analysis of Depression Severity among Sexual Minority Male Youths in Australia: Exploring the Role of Bullying and Masculinity. Chief Investigators: Dr Kai Lin and A/Prof Philip Birch (SoISE, UTS).
Research collaborators and networks
Centre for Forensic Science, Faculty of Science, UTS, Aus.
Networks Security Lab, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, UTS, Aus.
Tax-Fairness Policy Unit, School of Business, UTS, Aus.
School of Psychology, Faculty of Health, UTS, Aus.
School of Psychology, University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Ashworth Research Centre, Ashworth High Secure Hospital, Mersey Care NHS Trust, NHS, UK.
Institute of Policing and Security, University of South Wales, UK.
Translational Criminology Seminar Series CaSS hosts the UTS Translational Criminology Seminar Series. If you would like to present your research as part of the seminar series, contact the convenor:
Upcoming seminar:
Operation Forbearance, a real-world ‘cold case’ investigation Date: 2nd May, 2024
Time: 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm & Location: CB11.00.401 (UTS City Campus)
Register now
Contact us
Associate Professor Philip Birch is the inaugural chair of the Crime and Security Science (CaSS) Research Group.