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Building solutions to long-term unemployment

Infrastructure projects can drive positive change in the communities where they’re built. Distinguished Professor Martin Loosemore is working with Multiplex to help refine a model that has been providing meaningful work and opportunities for disadvantaged jobseekers for over a decade.

Case Study: UTS and Aurecon

Pioneering Innovation: Aurecon's World-First Trial Introduces Robotics Technology in Constructing Murdoch University’s Building 360

Aurecon reimagines mass timber construction with robotics technology.

Aurecon reimagines mass timber construction with robotics technology.

Making every flush count

Revolutionary new technology is designed to minimise the environmental damage every time we flush the toilet.

The sky's not the limit

The more than 7,000 active satellites orbiting the earth have transformed how we communicate, but they have limitations. A UTS-led research team is using a new technique called metasteering to overcome some of these and have taken out a prestigious Eureka Prize for their work.

Data science keeps the trains on track

A team of UTS researchers is helping improve Sydney’s rail system, using AI to model the ripple effect of delays across the system, spot bottlenecks and keep delays to a minimum.