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Climate action (13)

Australian electricity price dynamics: The impact of renewable energy

Following ambitious renewable energy targets set by state and federal governments to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, Australia is leading globally in the transition to renewable energy generation. This research explores how the rapid uptake of wind and solar generation has impacted spot electricity prices in the Australian National Electricity Market.

Business cycle and long-run implications of increasing heat stress

What do the increasing temperatures caused by climate change mean for businesses? This research explores the economic cost of heat stress and its impact on labour capacity – aiming to contribute to the design of the best working restriction schedules under heat stress.

The life journey of an average receipt

Would you like a receipt? Across the globe this phrase is heard daily, following each purchase no matter how big or small. This research project explores the environmental impact behind this question – comparing the immediate impacts of an average paper receipt versus a digital alternative.

Using personalised nudges to encourage sustainable diets

How do personal traits and external influences (nudges) impact our willingness to eat more plant-based meals – better for our health and better for the environment. This research explores that relationship, improving health and reducing carbon footprints.

Nudging and boosting the adoption of electric vehicles in Australia

Government leadership plays a vital role in the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) to reduce carbon emissions in Australia – with both targets currently unmet. This research explores the psychological barriers to purchasing an EV while developing behavioural science interventions for government to overcome these challenges.