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Responsible consumption and production (12)

Helping small and medium size businesses decarbonise

UTS, in partnership with Unilever, Foodbuy, Scotpac, Origin Zero, ASBFEO, John Holland and AI Group are embarking on an interdisciplinary project to help Australia’s small and medium size businesses decarbonise. 

The life journey of an average receipt

Would you like a receipt? Across the globe this phrase is heard daily, following each purchase no matter how big or small. This research project explores the environmental impact behind this question – comparing the immediate impacts of an average paper receipt versus a digital alternative.

Using personalised nudges to encourage sustainable diets

How do personal traits and external influences (nudges) impact our willingness to eat more plant-based meals – better for our health and better for the environment. This research explores that relationship, improving health and reducing carbon footprints.

Regulating dark trading: A shift in investors trading strategies

Across the globe, stock trading is a growing industry – but how many investors are earning their profits in dark pools? This research explores the underbelly of investment that has emerged in response to policy changes aiming to increase transparency in the industry. Have these efforts to make the industry more equitable succeeded, or had the opposite effect? 

Financial misconduct and depositor behaviour

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has received over two million complaints involving consumer protection violations. With this complaint database publicly available for customers to see; does it have any influence on consumers banking decisions? 


Measurement and stability of time preferences

In improving real-life outcomes, such as human capital accumulation and better financial decision making, it is important to understand the impact of time preferences (e.g. patience) on an individual’s decision making. This research aims to support new policy suggestions by developing an understanding of how outside factors influence the stability of time preferences.

Nudging and boosting the adoption of electric vehicles in Australia

Government leadership plays a vital role in the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) to reduce carbon emissions in Australia – with both targets currently unmet. This research explores the psychological barriers to purchasing an EV while developing behavioural science interventions for government to overcome these challenges.