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Reduced inequalities (10)

Methods for evaluating impacts of direct giving and cash transfers

Seeking to assess the impact of a program on a set of outcomes, impact evaluations carry great weight in the improvement of policies and programs across government and industry.

This project provides an overview of the spectrum of technical approaches that could be deployed to evaluate the impact of direct cash transfers that are used to improve the well-being of vulnerable populations in Australia. 

Measuring the social impact of the Africultures Festival

Empowering the well-being of immigrants and refugees in their new communities is crucial for reducing power disparities and fostering inclusive societies. This research explores how cultural festivals can generate social well-being of marginalised communities through connecting people from different cultural backgrounds and celebrating differences.

How to change a bad law

For far too long, many of the Australian women experiencing domestic violence at the hands of their partner have faced a stark choice: do they stay and risk the violence continuing or even escalating, or leave and face the high probability of a life of ‘policy-induced poverty’?

Meet the women responsible for changing a bad law and improving the life of single parent families across Australia. 

Labour market expectations and job search of young workers in West Africa

Hosting some of the world’s poorest economies, West Africa faces acute challenges in relation to its demographic, educational and economic transformations. To shape policy recommendations, this research explores the puzzling relationship between unemployment and education to understand how this shapes education decisions for labour market entrants.