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Good health and well-being (3)

Methods for evaluating impacts of direct giving and cash transfers

Seeking to assess the impact of a program on a set of outcomes, impact evaluations carry great weight in the improvement of policies and programs across government and industry.

This project provides an overview of the spectrum of technical approaches that could be deployed to evaluate the impact of direct cash transfers that are used to improve the well-being of vulnerable populations in Australia. 

Mythbusting the The Four-Day Work Week

Who decided work should take up five days of our week? It’s a question that’s been asked by the workforce for close to a century – but it hasn’t always been the case. Throughout history, the workweek has always evolved alongside society; so why has it been so stagnant, and is it finally time for a change?

A Case Study of the Unilever New Zealand Four-Day Work Week.

Are health insurance mandates and rebates good policy?

Private hospitals are an important aspect of our healthcare system: but are the financial incentives and penalties associated with private health insurance effective or equitable? This research explores the impact government incentives have on the demand for private health insurance in Australia. 

Is bigger better? Economies of scale in residential aged care

In Australia, aged care is not only vital but comes at a high cost. With increasing financial viability concerns, this research explores the extent to which larger aged-care providers achieve cost efficiencies in delivering residential aged-care services.

The corporatisation of Australian residential aged care

How are the profit-making motives of multi-site, corporatised aged care providers impacting the quality of care delivered to some of Australia’s most vulnerable? This research delves into resident complaints and hospitalisations to uncover the detrimental impact of corporatisation on our aging community.