Stephen Kearsey
There is plenty of support from organised peer assisted study sessions, to maths and chemistry...
What degree are you studying?
Bachelor of Science in Applied Chemistry
What motivated you to study this degree/major?
I love science, I love learning about it and practising it in the lab. I love to think for myself, and work things out rather than just remember sets of rules, and that's why I decided to do chemistry, it's so logical.
What do you enjoy most about your degree?
Definitely the practicals, going into the lab every week and applying what we learn in lectures to real life. It also forces you to draw your own conclusions, not just follow along.
Why did you choose to study at UTS?
Everything I read and heard about UTS suited me, and I particularly love their practical approach to learning. My major is "Applied Chemistry" not just chemistry, and that already says this course is very hands on. UTS has excellent facilities and has a reputation for delivering a very hands on approach to learning, and that's why I chose UTS.
What is it like to study at UTS Science?
There are a lot of hours on campus, which I really liked. I know I will learn more in a one hour lab session than two hours at home. There is plenty of support with science too, from organised peer assisted study sessions, to maths and chemistry learning centres, no matter where you look there is support to help you with your studies.
Is there any advice you would give to students studying this degree?
Don't be scared, take it easy and enjoy it. You are venturing into a whole new stage of your life where you need to take 100% responsibility, but help is always there, you just have to find it. Ask lots of questions, annoy people, do whatever it takes to get you through your studies.
What would you like to do once you complete by your degree?
I like to work things out, so probably research. I don't have much idea at the moment, but a science degree can take me many places, especially with the practical skills I will have under my belt.
What other activities do you participate at uni?
I will be a peer-networker which is very exciting. Already I have met so many great people and had fun on the training day, so I look forward to what it brings. I'll also be a UPASS leader for chemistry, which should be fun too.
Note: Stephen is a recipient of the UTS Science School's Recommendation Scholarship Program. For more details on this scholarship, visit the Science scholarships page.