Kelly Gao
I knew a degree in mathematics would offer me a great career path.
Hi, my name is Kelly. I’m currently studying a Bachelor of Science majoring in Mathematics at UTS.
Whether you’re picking fruit or working in big data, mathematics is all around us. When I was in high school, I wanted to study mathematics at university because it was one of my academic strengths. I knew a career in mathematics would allow me to see a good job and offer a great career path.
Looking back to when I was in year 12, I wish someone had told me the HSC is not the only pathway you can take to get into university. It’s not the end of the world if things don’t work out while you’re in year 12. I would tell myself to relax and do the best I can.
My studies haven’t really changed because of the current COVID-19 situation. As a maths student, I only need access to my laptop, pen and paper. Online lessons haven’t been a bad experience for me.
If you’re studying online, my advice would be to not let your studies pile up until your exams. Make sure you pace yourself with your materials and take it week by week, just like a regular semester.
Getting ready each morning can really help improve your productivity. Dress nicely, do your hair and pretend you’re going to uni, it really does help. Especially if you’re having trouble getting out of your PJs each morning (like me!)
When I’m not studying, I’ve been taking yoga lessons online. I’ve enjoyed it a lot because it’s quite calming, doesn’t require a big space or much equipment. It’s been super convenient while I’ve been in isolation.
Learn more about undergraduate science and maths at UTS