Jessica Joyce
The Bachelor of Advanced Science is a very hands-on degree, with a lot of time spent in the lab
I was raised in the Sutherland Shire and have lived here my whole childhood and teenage years. Growing up I tended to try and love every single sport that was thrown at me. I developed a very strong love for tennis, which was a great escape from school and my studies. From a young age, I found myself drawn towards maths, spending my weekends in primary school seeing how quickly I could recite my timetables and doing other ‘fun’ arithmetic activities. I will admit that at times this may not have been voluntary as my dad was also extremely in-touch with his mathematical side, however, I am sure all the math I did as a young child will benefit me throughout my studies and career.
Leaving primary school, while terrifying, was great for my personal growth both academically and mentally. During High School, I had the chance to benefit from new opportunities other than those relating to sports and mathematics. Taking part in school initiatives, raising awareness for personally important causes, and being in leadership positions defined my high school years. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the amazing support network of family and friends that I had growing up and through school. I have very supportive parents and grandparents and am blessed with an amazing brother and sister, who have been so much fun to grow up with. I cherish the people around me endlessly for their ongoing care throughout my childhood and am so grateful to have their support as an adult as well.
After finishing year 12, I wanted to do something involving Maths, Chemistry, and Business, as these were my favourite areas at school and the ones I performed best in. At first, I enrolled in a double degree in Chemistry and Business at UTS. After completing some first-year science subjects I found myself very much drawn towards medicine and medical science. I realised that the element of business that I enjoyed was working with people and helping others, something that I would be able to do as a doctor. Not wanting to change universities, I transferred into the advanced science course, majoring in pre-medicine, and have loved every single minute of the degree. I cannot wait for the two years ahead.
After attending open days, I realised that UTS was the most suitable university for me as I value practical and hands-on work. Going into a science degree, I knew that working in world-class laboratories would make my studies more enjoyable. To this day I have spent more time in the labs than in lecture rooms, so I am happy with my choice. I also really like the atmosphere and layout of UTS, with its facilities found all over Sydney, and an incredible library and food court in building 2.
Other than my passion for science, math, and learning new things, I am passionate about helping others and using my knowledge and skills to listen, learn, inspire, educate, and try my best to make a difference. My current and future focus is to inspire and encourage females, like me, in the STEM field. I would like to foster young girls’ journeys and careers in STEM.
My studies at UTS have made me more confident and willing to speak up and ask for help or make connections in new situations. University has also greatly boosted my independence. I’ve learned how to work well on my own and as part of a team in collaborative classes.
Ultimately, I hope to go on and study medicine after graduating and become a Paediatric Oncologist. I have always loved working with kids. I would like to continue educating younger generations and helping young girls explore science and math. Working in the cancer realm is incredibly important to me, catalysed by loved ones I have lost or witnessed survive their battles, I hope to help kids and their families going through the same experience.
Additionally, a passion for aviation and travel is engraved in my bloodline, so I hope to experience more flights and new destinations in my adult years. Most importantly, I hope my future is surrounded by the same loved ones I am surrounded by today, and aspire to stay close to my family and grow my family in the distant future.
The Bachelor of Advanced Science is a very hands-on degree, with a lot of time spent in the lab. You also have the chance to develop strong foundational knowledge about chemistry, physics, and human biology. This degree is preparing me for post-graduate medicine and is helping me learn the practical application of scientific skills in medicine and medical science.
My advice for new students is to go to as many orientation events as possible! It’s a great opportunity to familiarise yourself with the layout of the uni (it’s honestly a maze at first) and meet new people. Also, get your lab coat and safety glasses ready for your first practical class!
If you are looking for a degree that implements collaboration with peers and hands-on work, then science at UTS is perfect for you. You will always be learning in a fun and innovative way with the people around you and after graduation, you will be able to implement those skills in your future career.