George Elturk
Studying physics at UTS Science equipped me with the ability to ask questions effectively.
What did you major in?
Applied Physics
What exactly does your work/job entail?
Working for a Trust Manager, my role is varied and includes reporting to investors, rating agencies and data providers.
While all the work is rewarding, I definitely like the financial modelling and programming aspect of my role the best. It is very gratifying when the models I have built are used by various financial players.
Do you find the skills you learnt during your degree useful and versatile?
Studying physics at UTS Science trained me in technical physics and mathematics skills, but above all I gained the ability to ask questions effectively. I was also exposed to new areas and methodology and the skills I gained can be applied to any discipline.
What did you personally gain from your studies?
Not to question what you are learning as it may not seem relevant at that time but would be very useful in the future.
What advice can you give to students considering studying this degree?
Focus on the skills you will gain and it is those broader skills that will be of greater value to you in the future. Enjoy yourself, make the most of your degree and make lifelong friends along the way.