Sophie Christodoulou
Many universities offer law degrees but none will offer you the same experience whilst studying law...
What led you to choose UTS:Law for your studies?
I completed an undergraduate Bachelor of Medical Science at a different university. Throughout my undergraduate degree, I kept in touch with various friends that were studying at UTS. I found that they all thought highly of the university, particularly its culture and the relationships between students and between students and staff members. It quickly became apparent to me that the environment at UTS was very much collaborative and supportive in nature. That was most appealing to me, having come from a highly competitive university, and so when I decided to pursue postgraduate legal studies I was quick to apply to UTS.
What is the most useful or important thing you have learned from your studies at UTS?
You are only human! You will make mistakes and you will doubt yourself. But the most powerful aspect of being human is that you will learn from those mistakes and your motivation and drive to succeed will lead you to successes that will rid any sense of doubt you ever felt about yourself. Have faith in yourself and in the process. Everything always turns out for the best!
Was there anyone in particular at the University who had a significant influence on your studies?
I went through some very difficult personal hardships in my first year of law school. During that time, I was enrolled in various subjects including criminal law. I had a brilliant lecturer teaching that class. Although this lecturer understood why I was always unprepared for class, since my personal circumstances worked as a constant distraction from my studies, I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed that they were working so hard to motivate and excite the class about something they were most passionate about and that the only response they ever got from me was a blank face from the back row. My personal life eventually improved, albeit too late for the criminal law exam. I felt as though I never got the chance to prove myself or to give the lecturer the time and respect they deserved. I did not see this lecturer again until two years later, when I enrolled in a final year subject that they happened to teach. I knew that this was my opportunity to thank them for being so understanding and for helping me through a most difficult time. I wasn’t sure how to say thanks, so I did the only thing I knew how to do – I studied hard and gave their class my utmost attention. I scored a high distinction in that class. That is by far my proudest moment in law school.
What would your advice be for someone who is looking at studying Law at UTS?
Many universities offer law degrees but none will offer you the same experience whilst studying law as UTS. If you are looking to study in an environment where students help one another, staff members are more than willing to offer you their time and support and where the broader university community is nothing short of welcoming and kind, then you need look no further than UTS.
Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience at UTS:Law, or the University as a whole?
It’s an experience I’ll never forget and one that I’ll always feel honoured to say that I was a part of.