Stephanie Maiolo
So many things pulled me toward studying at UTS. One of the major attractions was the Elite Athlete...
I was born in Sydney but grew up and spent most of my childhood in Taree. Sport has been a huge part of my life, even from the very beginning. I loved all sports and was happy to try anything, but my main two were soccer and touch football.
I continue to play touch regularly, with my home club being Manly, and I was lucky enough to be selected in the Australian Youth Trans-Tasman sides in 2015 and 2017. I’m so grateful for all the opportunities I’ve received throughout my life and have made some amazing memories with both my family and friends.
I wanted to study Sport and Exercise Management after originally starting a Law degree. I knew quickly enough it wasn’t for me, so I took a year off to figure out what I was passionate about and what I wanted to do, and came across this degree. When I first started out, I wasn’t sure where I wanted to end up but I knew that I loved sport and anything sport related so figured I would give this course a go. It’s two years in and I’m absolutely loving the course and UTS – so I have no regrets!
I’m passionate about a lot of things… obviously sport being at the top of that list! But I’m also passionate about my friends and family. I’m passionate about human rights and have recently become very interested in current affairs and knowing what’s going on in our world.
So many things pulled me toward studying at UTS. One of the major attractions was the Elite Athlete Program, sport office and the facilities it offers – i.e. the gym! I was also drawn to the idea of having younger, experienced tutors and teachers and the very practical nature of my subjects. UTS also had a fantastic reputation among my peers, and everyone I spoke to genuinely loved it.
The most rewarding aspects of the course I’ve found is the real-world knowledge I’ve come to learn through the practical nature of many of my subjects. I’ve also made some really great friends during my time here.
I feel I’ve certainly grown and developed during my studies – not only my brain with what I’m learning in class, but I feel like I’ve also had the opportunity to grow as a person. I like to think that I’ve become more aware and accepting of people around me and also of myself. I’ve learnt not to take yourself too seriously and to have as much fun as you can – because isn’t that what life is all about?
When it comes to my plans for the future, honestly, I’m not entirely sure yet! I do know that I want to travel as much as I can. I would love to end up working in corporate/professional sport. The sporting industry is huge and continuing to grow, so hopefully I can find something I love! My plan is to be happy and give 100% in whatever I’m doing.
My advice to future students is to go with your heart! Study something that you are actually interested in and that you will engage with. Have fun while doing it and get involved! University has so much to offer if you just look for it. Also, play uni games – it’s the best fun you’ll have!