Jerome Studdy
The degree provided a platform for me to develop my skills and interests in sound design, editing...
Why did you choose to study Sound and Music Design at UTS?
I chose to study Sound and Music Design because it provided a platform for me to develop my skills and interests in sound design, editing, mastering, and working with film.
What have you personally gained from your studies?
The aspect of the course I've enjoyed the most is the link to communication subjects that have allowed me to think about sound and music as more than just entertainment, but as sources of communication.
What have you enjoyed most about your course so far?
The course is flexible in the sense that you as a student are able to work within the genres and music styles that you enjoy. There's almost always some room in assessments to add your own musical influence, and work to your strengths and enjoyment. The course can also be paired with International Studies courses, so it means you're able to learn another language whilst completing your degree.
A typical day look like in the life of a Sound and Music Design student
A typical day is spent with headphones on. You not only engage with sound from a theoretical perspective, but you also spend time engaging with industry standard editing software and developing your skills as a sound designer. A regular day might see you at a lecture in the morning and tutorials before lunch, with time in the afternoon to head to a shift at work, rehearsal, or performance. If you network with the Media Arts Production students, you may even find yourself working on student films. 10/10 would recommend.
Advice to prospective students looking to study Music and Sound Design
Know what you like and be prepared to stand up for it. At the same time, take the chances to learn and engage with different types of music and sonic performance styles. Prepare yourself for some late nights in the computer labs, but learn that these are actually some of the most satisfying times at uni when you produce some great work.