Elias Jahshan
I hope to one day become a foreign correspondent and to write a novel.
How did you apply for UTS?
I got the application form from the UAC Educational Access Schemes (EAS) booklet and submitted it along with the standard UAC application form. I was also awarded an equity scholarship.
What was the equity scholarship?
I got my scholarship in my second year of uni and it lasted for three years.
What services did UTS provide while you were studying?
The Special Needs Service (SNS) at UTS was a great help throughout my studies, mostly with note-takers. I’m hearing impaired so this service made attending lectures much easier because I didn’t have to strain to listen and take notes at the same time. They arranged for most of the special provisions from my HSC exams to be implemented into my uni coursework, along with extended assessment deadlines should I ever need it.
What have you been doing since you graduated?
I was working at The Sunday Telegraph as a writer before a promotion led me to my current role as a journalist for the Hornsby and Upper North Shore Advocate community newspaper. I hope to one day become a foreign correspondent and to write a novel.