Suyog Sankhe
I was drawn to the application of economic theory to solve problems and explain real-world phenomena...
“UTS cultivated my interest and understanding of economics. I was drawn to the application of economic theory to solve problems and explain real-world phenomena, which I had developed through my degree and culminated in my honours thesis. Management consulting offered this as a career – tackling complex business issues and government policy challenges alike.
"UTS’s practice-based approach was interesting as a student and valuable in my career. Going beyond theory to critically analyse issues and apply knowledge is an important skill in the work we do at Nous. Defensible research, collaboration and articulate presentation are some other skills that my undergraduate degree helped develop, and are certainly valued in the modern-day workplace.
"The most rewarding aspect of my degree was spending a year on exchange in New York, which was an unbelievable experience. I got to travel a heap, take some interesting classes and pick up a new language (American English counts). My honours year would be up there as well. Making a small contribution to a field of research was incredibly rewarding and working closely with academics and other honours students, who are all now good mates, was very intellectually stimulating.”