Ana Ordóñez Quintanilla
Master of Management
Studying at UTS has been a really good experience. I like my lecturers a lot. Everyone’s really...
Studying at UTS has been a really good experience. I like my lecturers a lot. Everyone’s really friendly, always trying to help.
I think the fact there’s so many people from a lot of places is really good for networking and because in classes everyone will give their opinion according to how things are at their home countries. It helps you know more about the whole world, like how it works everywhere, and not be in your small bubble and thinking like ‘Oh yes, sports works the same way everywhere’ because it’s not like that.
For me, I knew more about sports from America and how it works. Now I’m learning from my peers from Bangladesh, from India, from Australia, from a lot of places, so it helps you have a better understanding of everything. I like that a lot. I think it’s not often you can get that mix of so many cultures in one place.