Formulation of an emergency-disaster nursing curricular conceptual framework 2008-2009
Following earlier work in China, Lisa Conlon was approached by WHO to formulate an emergency-disaster nursing curricular conceptual framework, recommended courses, structure, active teaching/learning and evaluation methods promoting critical thinking; training plan options and psychosocial training module. The project will be carried out and delivered in three (3) sections/components:
- Submit to WHO an action plan and timeline for the project, including, timeline for main project components: curricular conceptual framework, linked to core emergency/disaster competencies and domains; including active learning and critical thinking; skills acquisition learning and evaluation methods; training option plans for review by working group; overall emergency-disaster nursing curriculum with training options, evaluation methods and psychosocial/emergency training module.
- Submit to WHO the proposed curricular conceptual framework and curricular draft, including teaching/learning/evaluation methods; format or layout design; training options; subsequent to inputs from working group and key stakeholders.
- Submit to WHO the psychosocial training module and complete curriculum for piloting.