year | award title | key member | location/Bodies |
2020 | Finalist Best Student Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), ‘End-To-End Joint Intention Estimation for Shared Control Personal Mobility Navigation' | Katuwandeniya , K., Valls Miro, J. & Dantanarayana, L | ICARCV |
2019 | Winner Best paper award in International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2019 | Fred Sukkar, Chanyeol Yoo and Prof. Robert Fitch | ICRA |
2018 | Winner Best student paper award - ACRA Conference | Brian Lee and James Lee | ACRA |
2017 | Winner Best Poster Award from the 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines, title Towards a closed loopsoft fishtail actuator - soft sensors utilized for measurement of soft fin curvature | Ardian Jusufi | Hokkaido Japan |
2016 | Winner Best Paper Award at 14th International Conference on ICARCV 2016 for Incremental SQP Method for Constrained Optimization Formulation in SLAM. | Fang Bai, Prof. Shoudong Shuang, A/Prof. Teresa Vidal Calleja, Qingling Zhang | ICARCV |
2016 | Winner ACRA 2016 Best Student Paper for Probabilistic Maximum Set Cover with Path Constraints for Informative Path Planning | Graeme Best and Robert Fitch | ACRA |
2015 | Finalist Best Paper Award, IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), ‘Modelling In-Pipe Acoustic Signal Propagation for Condition Assessment of Multi-Layer Water Pipelines’ | Su, D., Valls Miro, J. & Vidal-Calleja, T | ICIEA |
2015 | Winner Best Student Paper Award on ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, title "Map-based Navigation of an Autonomous Car Using Grid-based Scan-to-Map Matching" | Tomoyuki, Dr. Ravindra Ranasinghe and Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake | Boston, USA |
2015 |
Highly Commended Paper Award in International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR) 2015, ‘Graph-SLAM Based Calibration of an Embedded Asynchronous Microphone Array for Outdoor Robotic Target Tracking' |
Daobilige Su, A/Prof. Teresa Vidal Calleja, A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro | CLAWAR |
2015 | Highly Commended Paper Award in International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR) for “Mapping Repetitive Structural Tunnel Environments for a Biologically-Inspired Climbing Robot" | Dr. Gavin Paul, Shuyuan Mao, Liyang Liu, Rong Xiong | |
2011 | Winner Best Paper Award “Electromyogram (EMG) based Fingers Movement Recognition Using Neighbourhood Preserving Analysis with QR-Decomposition”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP 2011), pp 1-6, (Best Paper for the Biomedical Sensing and Sensors Symposium -ISSNIP 2011) 6-9 Dec 2011. | Rami N Khushaba, Prof. Sarath Kodagoda, Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake | Adelaide, Australia |
2008 | Winner Best Student Paper Award on International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (InTech 2008), title "A New System-On Programmable Chip (SOPC) for Smart Car Braking Control" | Ying-Hao Yu, N.M.Kwok, and Q.P. Ha | Samui, Thailand |
2007 | Winner Best Student Paper Award “A 3-dimensional force field method for robot collision avoidance in complex environments”, Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, pp 139-145, 19-21 Sep 2007. | P.Chotiprayanakul, Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, D.Wang, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake | Kochi, Kerala, India |
2007 | Winner Best Student Paper Award on IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering IEE CASE 2007, title "Dynamic Modelling of Wheel-Terrain Interaction of a UGV" | T.H. Tran, N.M. Kwok, S. Scheding and Q.P Ha | Arizona, USA |
2006 | Winner Best paper award, proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, title "Bridge Maintenance Robotic Arm: Capacitive sensor for obstacle ranging in particle laden air", pp 596-601, Oct 3-5,2006. | Nathan Kirchner, Dikai Liu, Gamini Dissanayake | Tokyo, Japan |
2006 | Best paper award nominations on IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, title "Intensity Preserving Contracts Enhancement for Gray-Level Images using Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization" | N.M. Kwok, Q.P. Ha, D.K.Liu, G.Fang | Shanghai, China |
2005 | Best paper award International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (In Tech 2005) title "Toward a Generic Architecture for Robotic Formations: Planning and Control" | Ngo, VT, Nguyen A.D and Ha, Q.P | Phuket, Thailand |