Robotics Institute Water Awards
Research awards - National and state
2022 | Winner 2022 AWA National Award, R & D Excellence Award, for the Minimisation of Leaks and Breaks in Pipes with Innovative Integrated Deployment - Sydney Water, UTS, Detection Services, Ovarro and WaterGroup | A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro | AWA (Australian Water Association) |
2020 | Winner 2020 AWA National Award, Research and Innovation category, for the Innovative sensor suites and intelligent robotics for condition assessment of concrete sewers | Prof. Sarath Kodagoda and team (Lasi, Antony, Karthick, Vinoth, Nicolas, Sathira, Mitchel, Amal) | AWA (Australian Water Association) |
2020 | Winner 2020 NSW Water Award, Research and Innovation category for the Innovative sensor suites and intelligent robotics for condition assessment of concrete sewers | Prof. Sarath Kodagoda and team (Lasi, Antony, Karthick, Vinoth, Nicolas, Sathira, Mitchel, Amal) | AWA (Australian Water Association) |
2019 | Finalist of the 2019 Australian Museum Eureka Prize, Innovative use of Technology category, finalist for the Infrastructure Robotics: Transforming the maintenance of critical civil infrastructure | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro, A/Prof Shoudong Huang, Prof. Sarath Kodagoda, Emeritus Prof. Kenneth Waldron | Australian Museum |
2019 | Winner IESL NSW Chapter Award for Rapid Response Robotic Tool for Critical Water Mains Condition Assessment | Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Dammika Vitanage and Leya Rajalingam | IESL (The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka) NSW chapter |
2019 | Winner Research and Innovation Award of the 2019 NSW Water Awards for R2T2 Rapid Response Robot- For The Non-Destructive Inspection and Assessment of Critical Water Mains | Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro and team | AWA (Australian Water Association) |
2019 | Winner CRC Association's Excellence in Innovation Award for Dwell Track project (passenger detection and tracking on train platforms) | Dr. Alen Alempijevic, Julien Collart, Alexander Virgona | Rail Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre (RMCRC) |
2019 | Winner BHERT Awards for Outstanding Collaboration in Research & Development, “Intelligent robotics in infrastructure maintenance program” | Dist. Prof Dikai Liu and team | UTS and RMS (Road and Maritime Service) |
2019 | Winner NSW iAwards, category: Public Sector and Government for Autonomous Robot for Underwater Structure Cleaning | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, A/Prof.Shoudong Huang, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Andrew To, Khoa Le, Craig Borrows, Kenneth Waldron, Brendon, Wenjie Lu, et al | NSW state Council of the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) |
2019 | Merit Award NSW iAwards 2019, category Research and Development for Autonomous Robot for Underwater Structure Cleaning | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, A/Prof. Shoudong Huang, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Andrew To, Khoa Le, Craig Borrows, Kenneth Waldron, Brendon, Wenjie Lu, et al | NSW state Council of the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) |
2019 | Winner IESL NSW Chapter Award for best applied engineering project category (Highly commended award) for Intelligent sensing and robotics for sewer condition assessment | Prof. Sarath Kodagoda | IESL (The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka) NSW chapter |
2019 | Winner ACRA Student Travel Award for Rectangular-shaped object recognition and pose estimation | Thanh Long Vu; Liyang Liu, Dr. Gavin Paul and A/Prof. Teresa Vidal Calleja | ACRA (Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation) |
2018 | Finalist Research Innovation Award at AWA NSW Water Awards for R2T2 Rapid Response Robot- for The Non-Destructive Inspection and Assessment of Critical Water Mains | Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake and A/Prof Jaime Vals Miro | AWA (Australian Water Association) |
2018 | Winner NSW Student Water Prize for Robust Sensor Technologies Combined with Smart Predictive Analytics for Modelling Concrete Corrosion in Sewers | Kathick Thiyagarajan | AWA (Australian Water Association) |
2018 | Winner for Most Innovative Engineer for "Develop, manufacture and test a robotic system to reduce the physical burden of abrasive blasting, a process used to smooth, roughen, shape or remove contaminants from surfaces in a variety of industries." | Dr. Marc Carmichael | Engineers Australia |
2018 | Finalist of the 2018 BHERT Awards for Outstanding Collaboration in Research & Development, collaboration on infrastructure robotics | Dis. Prof. Dikai Liu | UTS and RMS |
2016 | Winner International Water Association (IWA) Project Innovation Award for Applied Research for Advanced Condition Assessment and Pipe Failure Prediction Project, Sydney Water | A/Porf. Jaime Valls Miro, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Prof. Sarath Kodagoda, Dr. Alen Alempijevic and Critical Pipes Team | IWA (International Water Association) |
2016 | Winner National Australian Water Association (AWA) National Research Innovation Award for Advanced Condition Assessment and Pipe Failure Prediction Project, Sydney Water | A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Prof. Sarath Kodagoda, Dr. Alen Alempijevic and Critical Pipes Team | AWA (Australia Water Association) |
2016 | Winner Australian Water Association (AWA) Branch Research Innovation Award on Advanced Condition Assessment and Pipe Failure Prediction Project, Sydney Water | A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Prof. Sarath Kodagoda, Dr. Alen Alempijevic and Critical Pipes Team | AWA (Australia Water Association) |
2016 | B/HERT Award for Best Research and Development Collaboration on Advanced Condition Assessment & Pipe Failure Prediction | A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Prof. Sarath Kodagoda, Dr. Alen Alempijevic and Critical Pipes Team | |
2016 | Australian Engineering Excellence Awards (AEEA) category: Engineering Innovation Excellence Award; Project title: “Robotic Bridge Inspector” | Dist.Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Palitha Manamperi, Philip Brooks, Waruna Kaluarachchi, Dr. Gavin Paul, Peter Ward, et al | UTS and RMS |
2016 | High commendation The Australian Engineering Excellence Awards Sydney 2016 (AEEA Sydney Awards 2016) category: Control Systems, Networks, Information Processing and Telecommunications; title: “Robotic Bridge Inspector - A Revolutionary Solution to Inspection and Condition Assessment of Steel Structures” | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Palitha Manamperi, Philip Brooks, Waruna Kaluarachchi, Dr. Gavin Paul, Peter Ward, et al | UTS and RMS |
2015 | Winner SafeWork NSW Award "Best Solution to an Identified Workplace Health and Safety Issue for “Bridge inspection robot” | Dist.Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Palitha Manamperi, Philip Brooks, Waruna Kaluarachchi, Dr. Gavin Paul, Peter Ward, et al | UTS and RMS |
2015 | Merit Award for iAwards National in the New Product category; “Biologically Inspired Climbing Robot” | Dist.Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Palitha Manamperi, Philip Brooks, Waruna Kaluarachchi, Dr. Gavin Paul, Peter Ward, et al | UTS and RMS |
2015 | Merit Award of the 2015 New South Wales iAwards, Category: New Product, “Biologically Inspired Climbing Robot” | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, Gamini Dissanayake, Palitha Manamperi, Philip Brooks, Waruna Kaluarachchi, Gavin Paul, Peter Ward, et al. | UTS and RMS |
2014 | The Skynet Award - Australian Robotic and Automation Association for the paper contributing most significantly to our future robot overlords for "A robust people detection, tracking, and counting system" | Nathan Kirchner, Dr. Alen Alempijevic, Alexander Virgona, Xiaohe Dai, Paul G. Ploger and Ravi K Venkat | ACRA |
2013 | Finalist of the 2013 Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Innovative Use of Technology for "A Novel Autonomous Robotic System for Infrastructure Maintenance" | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Palitha Manamperi, Philip Brooks, Waruna Kaluarachichi, Dr. Gavin Paul | |
2013 | Finalist of the 2013 IEEE/IFR Invention & Entrepreneurship in Robotics and Automation (IERA) Award (one of three finalists) for "Intelligent Grit-blasting Robots for the Surface Preparation Industry" | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu and his team | |
2013 | Finalist Award NSW Disability Industry Innovations Awards for innovative partnership | A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro, John Le Breton | Greystanes Disability Services and UTS |
2013 | Finalist of the 2013 Australian Engineering Excellence Awards (AEEA) for "Autonomous Robotic Systems for Steel Bridge Maintenance" | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Palitha Manamperi, Philip Brooks, Waruna Kaluarachichi, Dr. Gavin Paul | UTS and RMS |
2013 | Winner Engineering Excellence Award Sydney (EEAS) - Research and Development Category on "Autonomous Robotic Systems for Steel Bridge Maintenance" | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Palitha Manamperi, Philip Brooks, Waruna Kaluarachichi, Dr. Gavin Paul | UTS and RMS |
2013 | Winner Engineering Excellence Award Sydney (EEAS) - Control Systems and Communication Category on "Autonomous Robotic Systems for Steel Bridge Maintenance" | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Palitha Manamperi, Philip Brooks, Waruna Kaluarachichi, Dr. Gavin Paul | UTS and RMS |
Research awards - International
Year | award title | key member | location/bodies |
2019 | Winner ASME DED Leonardo da Vinci Award (USA) - Anaheim California USA. He led the team that designed and build an autonomous inch-worm climbing robot that can traverse surfaces in various directions; go through manholes; and sense, explore and map unknown environments. This robot has been practically deployed in routine use for inspection of confined spaces on the Sydney Harbour Bridge”. | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu | IDETC/CIE Anaheim, California, USA |
2019 | Best innovation/invention award from IESL (The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka) NSW Engineering excellence awards for the Best applied engineering project for R2T2 Rapid Response Robot- For The Non-Destructive Inspection and Assessment of Critical Water Mains | Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro and team | (IESL) The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka |
2019 | Yahoo Faculty Research Engagement Program (FREP) Award | A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro | |
2015 | Winner RSJ/KROS Distinguished Interdisciplinary Research Award, IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), ‘Sequential Intention Estimation of a Mobility Aid User for Intelligent Navigational Assistance’ | Matsubara, T., Valls Miro, J., Tanaka, D., Poon, J. & Sugimoto, K | IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) |
2015 | Winner Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Award in the Industry Application category; “Bio-Inspired Autonomous Climbing Robot – A Revolutionary ICT Solution to Inspection and Maintenance of Steel Structures" | Dikai Liu, Gamini Dissanayake, Palitha Manamperi, Philip Brooks, Waruna Kaluarachchi, Gavin Paul, Peter Ward, et al | Sri lanka |
Best paper awards
2020 | Finalist Best Student Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), ‘End-To-End Joint Intention Estimation for Shared Control Personal Mobility Navigation' | Katuwandeniya , K., Valls Miro, J. & Dantanarayana, L | ICARCV |
2019 | Winner Best paper award in International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2019 | Fred Sukkar, Chanyeol Yoo and Prof. Robert Fitch | ICRA |
2018 | Winner Best student paper award - ACRA Conference | Brian Lee and James Lee | ACRA |
2017 | Winner Best Poster Award from the 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines, title Towards a closed loopsoft fishtail actuator - soft sensors utilized for measurement of soft fin curvature | Ardian Jusufi | Hokkaido Japan |
2016 | Winner Best Paper Award at 14th International Conference on ICARCV 2016 for Incremental SQP Method for Constrained Optimization Formulation in SLAM. | Fang Bai, Prof. Shoudong Shuang, A/Prof. Teresa Vidal Calleja, Qingling Zhang | ICARCV |
2016 | Winner ACRA 2016 Best Student Paper for Probabilistic Maximum Set Cover with Path Constraints for Informative Path Planning | Graeme Best and Robert Fitch | ACRA |
2015 | Finalist Best Paper Award, IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), ‘Modelling In-Pipe Acoustic Signal Propagation for Condition Assessment of Multi-Layer Water Pipelines’ | Su, D., Valls Miro, J. & Vidal-Calleja, T | ICIEA |
2015 | Winner Best Student Paper Award on ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, title "Map-based Navigation of an Autonomous Car Using Grid-based Scan-to-Map Matching" | Tomoyuki, Dr. Ravindra Ranasinghe and Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake | Boston, USA |
2015 | Highly Commended Paper Award in International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR) 2015, ‘Graph-SLAM Based Calibration of an Embedded Asynchronous Microphone Array for Outdoor Robotic Target Tracking' | Daobilige Su, A/Prof. Teresa Vidal Calleja, A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro | CLAWAR |
2015 | Highly Commended Paper Award in International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR) for “Mapping Repetitive Structural Tunnel Environments for a Biologically-Inspired Climbing Robot" | Dr. Gavin Paul, Shuyuan Mao, Liyang Liu, Rong Xiong | |
2011 | Winner Best Paper Award “Electromyogram (EMG) based Fingers Movement Recognition Using Neighbourhood Preserving Analysis with QR-Decomposition”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP 2011), pp 1-6, (Best Paper for the Biomedical Sensing and Sensors Symposium -ISSNIP 2011) 6-9 Dec 2011. | Rami N Khushaba, Prof. Sarath Kodagoda, Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake | Adelaide, Australia |
2008 | Winner Best Student Paper Award on International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (InTech 2008), title "A New System-On Programmable Chip (SOPC) for Smart Car Braking Control" | Ying-Hao Yu, N.M.Kwok, and Q.P. Ha | Samui, Thailand |
2007 | Winner Best Student Paper Award “A 3-dimensional force field method for robot collision avoidance in complex environments”, Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, pp 139-145, 19-21 Sep 2007. | P.Chotiprayanakul, Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, D.Wang, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake | Kochi, Kerala, India |
2007 | Winner Best Student Paper Award on IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering IEE CASE 2007, title "Dynamic Modelling of Wheel-Terrain Interaction of a UGV" | T.H. Tran, N.M. Kwok, S. Scheding and Q.P Ha | Arizona, USA |
2006 | Winner Best paper award, proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, title "Bridge Maintenance Robotic Arm: Capacitive sensor for obstacle ranging in particle laden air", pp 596-601, Oct 3-5,2006. | Nathan Kirchner, Dikai Liu, Gamini Dissanayake | Tokyo, Japan |
2006 | Best paper award nominations on IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, title "Intensity Preserving Contracts Enhancement for Gray-Level Images using Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization" | N.M. Kwok, Q.P. Ha, D.K.Liu, G.Fang | Shanghai, China |
2005 | Best paper award International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (In Tech 2005) title "Toward a Generic Architecture for Robotic Formations: Planning and Control" | Ngo, VT, Nguyen A.D and Ha, Q.P | Phuket, Thailand |
UTS awards
2023 | Winner of the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Research Excellence - 'Supervisor of the Year' | Professor Shoudong Huang |
2022 | Winner of FEIT 2022 3MT | Kavindie Katuwandeniya |
2021 | Winner of 2021 MME Showcase Award | First place - Kavindie Katuwandeniya and Sheila Sutjipto Second place - Tony Le (Dinh Tung Le) |
2021 | Winner 2021 FEIT Research Showcase for Best Presentation Award and Women in Engineering and IT Award | Sheila Sutjipto for Best Presentation Award Lan Wu for Women in Engineering and IT Award |
2021 | Winner for 2021 Post Thesis Scholarship | Yanhao Zhang |
2020 | Winner Chancellor’s Medal for Research Excellence, The 2020 UTS Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Research Excellence | Prof. Shoudong Huang |
2019 | Winner HDR Research Showcase from Faculty Engineering and IT (FEIT) | Dr. Julien Collart, Fouad Sukkar, Cadmus To |
2019 | Winner FEIT 3MT heat for Autonomous Personal Mobility: Localisation and Motion Planning in Pedestrian Environments Using Low Resolution Maps. | Maleen Jayasuriya |
2019 | Runner up FEIT 3MT heat for Personalised Learning for Upper-Limb Robotic Rehabilitation | Dr. Yujun Lai |
2019 | Winner VC Awards for Research Excellence - UTS Medal for Research Impact | Distinguished Professor Dikai Liu |
2019 | Winner FEIT Alumni Award Winner | Dr Ashod Donikian (alumni) |
2018 | Winner UTS Research Excellence through Collaboration Award for The Responsive Passenger Information Systems Research Team | Dr. Alen Alempijevic and Alex Virgona |
2018 | Finalist of the 2018 UTS DVC (Research) Medal for Research Impact for Research inspired competition based learning and co-curricular activities to enhance deeper learning of mechatronics (robotics) engineering | Prof. Sarath Kodagoda |
2018 | Finalist of the 2018 UTS DVC (Research) Medal for Research Impact | Dist. Prof Dikai Liu |
2018 | Winner first place for digital poster session Faculty Research Showcase for , Title “Large Scale Navigation and Mapping System in Minimal Invasive Surgery” | Jingwei Song |
2018 | Winner first place for Faculty Engineering and IT for oral session Research Showcase for A, Title “MME Energy-Optimal Kinodynamic Planning for Underwater Gliders in Flow Fields" | James Ju Heon Lee |
2018 | Winner Faculty Research Showcase for First place for oral session B, Title “Socially Constrained Tracking in Crowded Environments” | Alex Virgona |
2018 | Winner UTS FEIT (Faculty of Engineering and IT) HDR Excellence Team Award | James Ju Heon Lee; Cadmus To, Brian Lee |
2017 | Winner UTS FEIT Research Showcase for people’s choice award, "Robust sensing suite for long term monitoring in sewers" | Dr. Karthick Thiyagarajan |
2016 | Winner UTS FEIT Research Showcase for people's choice award, "Innovations in sensor development for measurement of surface properties in aggressive environments" | Dr. Karthick Thiyagarajan |
2016 | Winner Vice-Chancellor’s Award Research Excellence through Collaboration for the "Advanced Condition Assessment and Pipe Failure Prediction Project" | A/Prof. Jaime Valls Miro, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Prof. Sarath Kodagoda, Dr. Alen Alempijevic, A/Prof. Teresa Vidal Calleja, Leo Shi et al |
2012 | Winner UTS Vice-Chancellor's Award for Research Excellence Through Partnership | Dist. Prof. Dikai Liu, Dist. Prof. Gamini Dissanayake, Dr. Gavin Paul, Greg Peters and David Rushton-Smith |
Teaching awards
2019 | Winner UTS Learning and Teaching Learning Futures Award | Dr. Gavin Paul | UTS |
2018 | Winner UTS medal for teaching and research integration “Research inspired competition based learning and co-curricular activities to enhance deeper learning of mechatronics (robotics) engineering” | Prof. Sarath Kodagoda | UTS |
2015 | OLT Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, “Leading curriculum innovations in mechatronics (robotics) education which inspire and motivate students inside and outside the classroom” | Prof. Sarath Kodagoda | Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) |
2013 | Winner Learning and Teaching Citation award for “Inspiring and motivating students to learn mechatronics through a blend of teaching approaches” | Prof. Sarath Kodagoda | UTS |
2006 | Winner Carrick Australian (the Australian Learning and Teaching Council) Award, 2006, Carrick Australian Awards for University Teaching _Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, by the Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Australia | S. Murray, D.K. Liu, V. Lasky, K.K. Fung, Lothar Weber | Australia |
2005 | Winner University Teaching Award, “Remote Access Laboratories for Promoting e-Learning”, Teaching Awards _Category one: an exemplary innovation in teaching by a team | S. Murray, D.K. Liu, V. Lasky, K.K. Fung | UTS |
2005 | Finalist of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education Award, “Remote Access Laboratories for Engineering Education”, finalist of the 2005 AaeE Excellence in Curriculum Innovation in Engineering Education | V. Lasky, D.K. Liu, S. Murray, L. Weber, K. Choy |
Media Coverage
2022 - 4 May 2022. UTS Robotics Institute (UTS team: Dikai Liu, Liang Zhao, Shoudong Huang, Gibson Hu, Richardo Khonasty, Dinh Dang Khoa Le, Yongbo Chen), in collaboration with Murdoch University and Aurecon, has developed an autonomous robot for timber building construction. The site trial in Perth has been very successful and it is reported in the 7 News |
2020 - Prof. Sarath Kodagoda, This robot ventures into Sydney’s sewers so people don’t have to, Create magazine, Engineers Australia, 2020This robot ventures into Sydney’s sewers so people don’t have to - Create (createdigital.org.au) |
2020 - Prof. Sarath Kodagoda, Experts in smart water management, Sewerbots: Transforming sewer condition assessment, Future water media article, 2020 |
2020 - Prof. Sarath Kodagoda Aussie Sewerbot may be the solution to a billion-dollar global problem, Insider Robotics, 2020 Aussie Sewerbot may be the solution to a billion-dollar global problem (insiderobotics.com.au) |
2020 Dr Marc Carmichael (UTSRI) and Tim Schork (DAB) interviewed by 2SER for a story on “Garden Cities”. The story discussed a Robotics Institute project to develop a robot to inspect and maintain green walls and building |
2020 Sara Wilkinson (DAB) and Dr. Marc Carmichael (UTS:RI) published an article in the “Nursery & Garden Industry NSW & ACT” magazine (Winter 2020) on the UTS CAS Wallbot robot project |
2019 Media coverage NSW Premier NSW Premier, Treasurer, Scott Farquharson, Atlassion and David Thodey and press conference |
9 Aug 2019 @6PM 9 News Central Wes (Primetime News) - Agribusiness Forum |
6 Aug 2019 at 6 PM 7 News Sydney (Primetime News, 7 News Exclusive) - Dwell Track |
2018-2019 “Autonomous robotic systems to maintain global infrastructure”, Making a difference – Outcomes of ARC supported research, the Australian Research Council, Page 32 |
10 April 2016, Australian Financial Review "Universities boost innovation by harmonising intellectual property rules" |
5 Feb 2016, ABC News "Robot helper improving safety for Sydney Harbour Bridge maintenance crews" |
20 Oct 2015, UTS Newsroom "Just how smart can a smartphone get?" |
03 Sep 2015, UTS Newsroom "UTS teams up with Yahoo to give new awareness to mobile devices" |
18 Aug 2015, CIO Australia "Autonomous robot scans steel structures" |
18 Aug 2015, Sydney Morning Herald "A peek into our robotic future" |
22 Jul 2015, CIO Australia "UTS Data Arena: How raw data transforms into 3D, 360-degree visualisation" |
01 Jun 2015, UTS Newsroom "Robots to the rescue" |
17 Mar 2015, UTS Newsroom "High-tech boost for beef producers" |
16 Mar 2015, Sydney Morning Herald "High-tech boost for beef producers” |
Jan/Feb 2015, MLA Publication "Feedback” pg. 10-11 |
28 Oct 2014, ABC Radio Morning Program Leaks and breaks project |
21 Oct 2014, Sydney Morning Herald "Stopping the leaks" |
21 Oct 2014, UTS Newsroom "Stopping the leaks" |
20 Jul 2014, Utility Magazine "Failure prediction of critical pipes and pipe leak management" |
28 Jun 2014, Channel 9 Story on Sydney Water leaks and breaks technology |
17 Feb 2014, The Robot Report “Sydney Harbor Bridge Gets Blasted By Robots” |
14 Feb 2014, UTS Newsroom "Award-winning bridge robot technology goes on show" |
2013 Powerhouse Museum Engineering Excellence Awards 2013 |
19 Nov 2013, ABC News 24 "The Business" on Centre for Autonomous Systems at 8:30pm on ABC 24 and 11 pm on ABC 1 |
18 Nov 2013, UTS Newsroom "Bridge workers can rejoice with UTS robot award wins" |
02 Oct 2013, The Converstation "New research helps ID weak water mains before they burst" |
19 Jul 2013, ABC News Radio "Robots give the Sydney Harbour Brudge a makeover" |
18 Jul 2013, BBC News "Grit-blasting robots clean Sydney Harbour Bridge" |
18 Jul 2013, Robots Today "Robot Cleaning the Sydney Harbour Bridge" |
18 Jul 2013, SBS World News "Robots helping repaint Harbout Bridge" |
18 Jul 2013, Sydney Morning Herald “Spick and span”, 18 July 2013 |
18 Jul 2013, Sydney Morning Herald “Start-up seals robot funding deal”, 18 July 2013 |
17 Jul 2013, News.com.au “Robots take over Sydney Harbour Bridge” |
29 May 2013, Channel Ten News Coverage of our semi-autonomous grit-blasting robot |
08 May 2013, International Federation of Robotics (IFR) press release IERA 2013 Award Finalists |
13 Dec 2012, ABC 7.30 Report South Australia Burst Main |
14 Mar 2012, UTS Engage Fixing Cities |
21 Nov 2011, ABC News "UTS tests exoskeleton prototype" |
20 Nov 2011, ABC News "'Assistive robotics' used to help disabled" |
02 Sep 2011, UTS Newsroom "Keeping Sydney's water flowing" |
Industry translations and patents
United States Patent, “Adhesion system for a climbing vehicle”, P. Ward and D.K.Liu, No.: US9902447B2; Date of Patent: 27 Feb. 2018; Duration: 17 July 2014 – 14 July 2034. |
Australian Patent, “Adhesion system for a climbing vehicle”, P. Ward and D.K.Liu, No.: 2014289974; Date of Patent: 21 June 2018; Term of Patent: 17 July 2014 – 14 July 2034 |
M. Carmichael and D.K.Liu, “Robotic exoskeleton apparatus”, Australian Patent application number: 2013904101, filing date: 24 Oct 2013; International (PCT) patent application No. PCT/AU2014/001010 |