PaCCSC Annual Research Forum 2020 (event has been postponed)
The Palliative Care Clinical Studies Collaborative (PaCCSC) Annual Research Forum is a great networking opportunity for anyone interested in palliative clinical trials and research.
This is a chance for researchers, health professionals and consumers to engage with established leaders in palliative care, and gain insight into proposing, implementing and running clinical trials.
Professor Christine Ritchie

Professor Christine Ritchie is the Director of Research for the Division of Palliative Care Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, a board-certified geriatrician and palliative care physician whose research is focused on optimising quality of life for those with chronic illness and multi-morbidity.
As a clinician investigator, she has experience in informatics, mixed methods research, and implementation science. She has conducted a number of clinical trials in vulnerable populations. She co-leads the NINR-funded Palliative Care Research Cooperative and the national Home-based Primary Care and Palliative Care Network, which seeks to improve our understanding and care of the homebound population.
Professor Ritchie is establishing a Centre for Ageing and Serious Illness Research in the MGH Mongan Institute. The centre is designed to bring together researchers who will focus on improving the well-being of older adults and enhancing the lived experience of those with advanced illnesses.
Professor Meera Agar

Professor Meera Agar is a palliative medicine physician with a particular interest in delirium, supportive care needs of people with brain tumours and geriatric oncology. Meera was appointed to the position of Chair of Palliative Care Australia in late 2019.
Meera leads a clinical research portfolio at UTS, including clinical trials and health service evaluation in cancer and palliative care. She led a world-first clinical trial of antipsychotics in delirium and is leading New South Wales Government-funded clinical trials of medicinal cannabis for anorexia in people with advanced cancer.
A Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Fellow of the Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine, and clinician scientist, she holds a Master in Palliative Care. Her doctorate was awarded in the area of delirium in advanced illness. Her research and teaching have won numerous awards, including an Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Citation, an Australian Award for University Teaching and the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) Early Career Researcher Award.
Professor Andrew Hayen

Andrew Hayen is a Professor of Biostatistics and Acting Lead of the Discipline of Public Health in the Faculty of Health at the University of Technology Sydney.
Andrew is the Master of Public Health Course Coordinator and a member of the Australian Centre for Public and Population Health Research. He is a graduate of the NSW Biostatistics Training Program and the past president of the Australasian Epidemiological Association.
Professor Patsy Yates

Professor Patsy Yates is Head of the School of Nursing, Queensland University of Technology and Director for Queensland Health's state-wide Centre for Palliative Care Research and Education (CPCRE). Her research is focused on improving management of symptoms and innovations in palliative care service delivery.
She is currently president of the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care. She is also a Fellow and Chair of the End of Life Policy Chapter for the Australian College of Nursing and is a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.
Dr Jamilla Hussain

Dr Jamilla Hussain is an NIHR Clinical Lecturer at the Wolfson Palliative Care Research Centre at Hull York Medical School. She has an interest in research methodology and how to improve the the value of palliative care research and therefor clinical care. She is currently completing her PhD, which focused on missing data.
paccsc annual research forum 2020 program (PDF, 252kb)
paccsc annual research forum 2020 program and speakers (pdf,610kb)