Enabling an excellent experience for higher degree research students
Future state
- Higher degree research (HDR) students have a clear and valued role in the UTS research community
- Holistic HDR lifecycle management with high levels of student satisfaction and completion rates
- Graduate Research School (GRS) continually enhances HDR programs that promote excellence
- University-wide understanding of the HDR application process particularly international applications
- Supervisors, HDR students and professional staff are aware of their responsibilities around candidature management
Example activities
- HDR online—capture candidature management, scholarships and thesis examination in a consolidated IT platform
- Industry-related opportunities—expand opportunities by building on existing programs
- Develop online and blended graduate research education modules for students and supervisors
Achievements to date
- Policy changes to clarify and simplify supervisor roles and responsibilities
- Introduced a new criteria-based, university-wide framework for International Research Scholarships
- Established the Graduate Research RAO network to support practice sharing and ensure process issues are addressed
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