CTWW has developed an extensive engagement and collaboration across a wide range of universities and industries in Australia and overseas.
Become a CTWW industry partner.
Water utilities
Water utilities of all sizes are potential adopters of CTWW technologies. These technologies assist our partners in saving treating, testing, recycling and re-using water to meet business and environmental objectives. Examples of our water utility and local council partners include:
- Sydney Water
- South East Water
- Shoalhaven Water
- DC Water (in Washington DC, USA)
- Origin Water (China)
- Water Research Australia
- Sydney Olympic Park Authority (SOPA)
- Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils
- Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils
- Blacktown city council
- Kuring-Gai city council
- Bankstown Canterbury city council
Water technology companies & other industries
CTWW assists water technology and service providers as well as the industry in general to improve their water performance. We develop tools and technologies that support our partners to improve water efficiency, water supply security, and water related productivity. Our current partners include:
- Infinite Water
- Veolia Water
- Dupont
- Coates
- JWA Oil Field Services
- AGL Energy
- Australian Alliance for Energy Efficiency
- Algae Pharm
- DXP Australia
- Mitsui Chemicals
- Mitsubishi chemical corporation
- Shanghai Municipal Investment Group
State natural resource/water resource agencies and environment agencies
Our research team delivers wide ranging expertise to state water agencies. Projects are focused on stormwater, water re-use, climate change research and floodplain management. Our current authority partners include:
- Office of Environment and Heritage
- Murray-Darling Basin Authority
- Investment NSW
- NSW Roads and Maritime Services
- NSW State Emergency Service
- Water NSW