CAIK offers short courses for academics with an interest in supporting Indigenous research and Indigenous Higher Degree Students.

Supervising Indigenous Higher Degree Research
The microcredential is designed for disciplinary researchers who are unfamiliar with Indigenous research methodologies or with undertaking research with Indigenous students.
This program explores how to prepare and support higher degree by research students – Australian Indigenous and non-Indigenous to undertake Indigenous research. You will learn how to navigate ethics and protocols, identify key Indigenous and decolonising theories and methodologies, and employ principles of social justice specific to your supervisory practice. Supervising Indigenous Higher Degree Research is a micro-credential coordinated by CAIK's Dr Katrina Thorpe.
This course has been exceptional. The flow, the materials and all the presentation aspects are second to none. I will have to rethink everything I do in my teaching practices - both to reflect what I am learning here by intent (course materials) but also that which is unintentional (the delivery format).
Dr Natalie Morrison
Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine Translational Health Research Institute
Clinical and Health Psychology Research Initiative Western Sydney University Indigenous peoples and communities.
Find out more information by visiting the Supervising Indigenous Higher Degree Research webpage.
Developing Indigenised Curriculum
This new microcredential is part of a suite of short courses offered by CAIK, which are available to UTS academics enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Learning and Teaching, as well as to other university staff across the sector. This will focus on developing academic skills in locating, implementing and assessing Indigenous curriculum. CAIK staff are seeking case studies of best practice in developing Indigenous curriculum from across the University.
Please contact Dr Anne Maree Payne ( if you would like to offer a case study for inclusion in the course. The micro will be offered for the first time in July 2023.
Find out more information by visiting the Developing Indigenised Curriculum webpage.