Those who stutter have needs for different types of therapies. Children who have just begun to stutter during the pre-school years need a therapy designed to stop the disorder developing, but adults who have been stuttering for a long time may need a way to control their stuttering during daily life. Many people who stutter have anxiety about their speech and may require therapy to help them deal with that.
Speech pathologists provide therapy services for children and adults who stutter. Speech pathologists are known by various names around the world. Examples are: speech-language pathologist (North America), speech and language therapist (United Kingdom), Logopäde (Germany), orthophoniste (France), logopædagog (Denmark) and logopedist (The Netherlands).
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Where can I access treatment?
Assessment and treatment may be accessed through the following services.
Please note that intake criteria may vary depending on the service provider.
- The Australian Stuttering Treatment Clinic
- The Stuttering Unit at South Western Sydney Local Health District
- Community Health Centres (typically children only)
- A Certified Practising Member of Speech Pathology Australia You can find a speech pathologist through the Speech Pathology Australia website.
(To refine your search, select Stuttering/Fluency from the drop down list for ‘Area of Practice’) - University treatment clinics
- Some public hospital outpatient speech pathology departments may also provide assessment and treatment services.