The Sydney Feminist History Group brings together historians, researchers and friends of feminist history, broadly defined.

2023 Program
Seminars are held usually on the first Thursday of every month at UTS Building 2, (Law Building), level 17 from 5.30 to 7.15 pm. Please bring a gold coin for refreshments. Dinner at local restaurant afterwards.
Thursday March 2
Special Event: An Intimate History of Evolution: The Story of the Huxley Family
Alison Bashford in conversation with Robyn Williams
Special location and time: Metcalf Auditorium, State Library of NSW, 6pm-7.15pm
Reserve your free ticket here.
Thursday April 6
Cruelty, Desertion and the Family: Converging histories of marriage and domestic violence
Ann Curthoys, Zora Simic, Catherine Kevin
Thursday May 4
Personal Politics: Sexuality, gender and the remaking of citizenship in Australia
Michelle Arrow, Leigh Boucher, Barbara Baird, Robert Reynolds
Thursday June 1
Writing Feminist Histories of Aboriginal Men
Katherine Biber, ‘The Governor Brothers: Writing an outlaw history from the academy’
Naomi Parry, 'Musquito's Biography: Why does a white feminist want to write about a black man?'
July: No Seminar
Thursday August 3
Amahs, Ayahs and Au Pairs (Chair: Laurie Berg)
Claire Lowrie, ‘An Amah in Paris: The transcolonial journeys of Chinese nursemaids’
Victoria Haskins, ‘An Ayah in New York: Representing the British empire in American cultural history’
Angela Kintominas ‘A Hidden Backstory: Excavating the origins of the law and political economy of au pairing in Australia’.
Thursday September 7
Feminist Oral Histories
Cheryl Ware, ‘Feminism, memory and oral histories: The NZ sex workers project’
Jeannine Baker, ‘Listening to the Voices of Women in Early Australian TV Production’
Thursday October 5
Gendered Professions
Hannah Forsyth, ‘Feminising the Professions, Masculinising Management: How a gendered history of white-collar work explains right-wing scepticism of expertise
Claire Wright, ‘Feminised Professions, Symbolic Violence, and Locking in Australia’s Corporate Woman’
Thursday November 2
Emotions, Law and History
Alecia Simmonds, ‘Stories of Love from the Archives of Law ‘
Additional speaker TBA